Under Deck Wave Shield

Jack M

Reaction score
Indian River ,Michigan
What is the difference between ,the " Underdeck Wave Shield " and the " Wave Tamer " as listed in the Bennington build section ?

Do they both cover the full length of the under deck ?

Does any one have the " Wave Tamer " ?

From the build section .

"Underdeck Wave Shield (18/20) Deflects water from the bottom of the deck, with reduces "surging" and enhances the soft, quite ride in rough water. (Wave tamer option for boats equipped with standard 25in pontoons.)"

Thanks in advance for your answers .
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I'm not sure if there is a difference as I have the ESP where "underdeck wave shield" is included. They typically do most of the under side except the front 2' or so. I asked them to finish skinning it all the way to the bow, though they said it isn't necessary. The dealer jsut added that instruction to my order notes and it was done on my boat at the factory. Otherwise I would have done it myself afterward.
Under deck wave shield does not cover the full underside, but, you can request it to be done. I think standard starts a couples feet back. Price varies by dealer.
The one I am referring to is factory installed .

The dealer is telling me I don't need it .

I just emailed Bennington and asked them what the difference is .

I will post their answer .
If I was a dealer, I would give my recommendation and then the customer says " I want it". I am getting the order form out and getting a signature.
I agree ,does anyone know the difference between the two ?
I agree ,does anyone know the difference between the two ?
Bennington just replied to my email ,( very quickly I might add ) .I was told that it is the same thing ,just different terminology
That's what I thought, marketing terms!
I did reply to their email , asking what the coverage area of the under deck is .

I will post that response when I receive it .
Just get it. You won't be disappointed.
Bennington just responded ,they did not specify the area covered just said majority ,both do cover the same area.

Off to the dealer .
Just get it. You won't be disappointed.
+1Here is the added 2' or so on mine. It looks like "standard" is to run it up to where the last tube for the nose cone starts. You can see the seam in the aluminum sheet.

Even though the majority of the bow wave hits a few feet back, there's still a lot of water contacting the underside of the plywood decking in the first two feet. Not enough to affect the ride quality, but water and wood together on a regular basis just seems like a bad idea. For the minimal cost of a few square feet of aluminum, why wouldn't anyone want to keep all of the underdecking as dry as possible?
Smart move again. :rolleyes:
Even though the majority of the bow wave hits a few feet back, there's still a lot of water contacting the underside of the plywood decking in the first two feet. Not enough to affect the ride quality, but water and wood together on a regular basis just seems like a bad idea. For the minimal cost of a few square feet of aluminum, why wouldn't anyone want to keep all of the underdecking as dry as possible?
You will be glad you did. The wave shield covers all but the first 2 feet.
You will be glad you did. The wave shield covers all but the first 2 feet.
Other than cost, what would be the reason for not covering the entire underdeck ? Any thoughts ?
I thought it was to give the deck a chance to breath and drain in the case you get a bunch of rain on the carpet etc.
Our 2007 has the 1st 2 feet uncovered. I have 3 logs so there's not much deck showing. And any time I've looked at it while we've been out, it's been dry.