Vertical guides for toon trailers


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Bull Shoals Lake, Arkansas
I'm sure this issue has been talked about many times on the forum, but I just thought I'd share my thoughts on our new EZ Loader trailer that was ordered by the dealer for our 2016 Benny tri-toon.  EZ Loader has been making boat trailers for 60 years now, and other than the configuration of our front ladder on the trailer, we love the new setup.  The ladder is just a little too tight and steep for my liking, and it's hard to see the rungs sometimes when coming down.

Anyway, I was skeptical about the efficacy of these vertical guides at first...until I used them, and now I'm a believer.  When re-trailering the boat, I back the trailer into the water until around 4" of the vertical guides are above the waterline, then just pull the boat right on with no issues.  They're too low to hit the thinner "splash guards" at the front of the toons, and soft enough to not mar the insides of the toons when rubbing them.  Yet they are high enough to guide the front end of the toons onto the bunks and then the rear end of the toons automatically fall into place on the bunks.  They don't interfere with the strakes on the middle pontoon, and according to EZ Loader, are a lot easier on outside strakes than the carpeted horizontal 2x4's will be.

I would imagine a lot of you have something like these already, but if you were looking for ideas and don't have vertical guides, I think you would benefit from something like these.  I would also guess that a lot of boat manufacturers would ship a set of these to you, if you could provide them with the dimensions of your cross member.

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Thanks for posting this, just what we have been looking for :)