Vote early, vote often....


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I'm sure most of you heard this presidential election fiasco phrase many times over the last couple elections: Vote early, vote often.

I'm changing it.

It is now: Boat early, boat often!

Ha ha ha ha ha.

I think I found the new name for my boat!!!

(Sorry Derrick, the "early" part doesn't apply to you.)
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Boy, Derrick! You sure get picked on a lot. B)
I'm not anywhere near being close to even with Derrick. He's the master!

But I am half serious about naming my boat that though. What do you guys think?
Naming it Derrick? Well I'd be flattered, it's a little creepy, but hey, I understand.
Naming it Derrick? Well I'd be flattered, it's a little creepy, but hey, I understand.
You amaze me sometimes how you can read between the lines and come up with some of your zingers !!! :lol:
It's an art.
Being "early" is not something a man should be proud of Derrick. :D
(Sorry Derrick, the "early" part doesn't apply to you.)
Being "early" is not something a man should be proud of Derrick. :D
You'll note that Kaydano said that DOESN'T apply to me! I'd prefer if no one asks how he knows that, it could get awkward. :lol:
I don't think go pro cameras were intended to capture that...
"Boat Derrick" That reminds me of someone...