Weather Warning


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York, Pa
Just a heads up, southeast Pa. will have horrible weather forecast for July 1st through the 10th. 

I guarantee it. I'm on vacation ...... Just sayin. :blink:  
Uh oh, if that's the case, the entire month of August will be bad, I took all of August off!!  Beware Wisconsin!!  :p
I just came back from Wisconsin. I received my Lean Six Sigma Green Belt from UW/Madison. What a beautiful place! I was there in Jan and Feb for class. BRUTAL cold then..... :blink:
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Yep the winters can be pretty harsh!  That's why we try and make the most of the very short summer!  Problem is, whenever it's nice out, instead of doing something around the house or yard we tend to go out on the boat instead.  So most things get put off until next year.... or the next.... or the next....or well you get the idea!  :p
Oh yeah. I tell my wife they are winter projects. Winter gets here and I tell her it's too cold to work outside, it's a spring project. Spring gets here and it's boating season .... :p

Going on 3 years to finish baseboard in living room ....  :blink:
Weather forecasts are wrong  most of the time  :p
Semperfi8387 where are you at in se. Pa? That's where I live, but headed to upstate New York for the holiday!
Semperfi8387 where are you at in se. Pa? That's where I live, but headed to upstate New York for the holiday!

I live in York, boats in Hanover on Lake Marburg. 
You're a little more west than us, we're dead center between Allentown an Philly. Looked that lake up quick, looks like a pretty nice area! 
Wow, I was just in Telford a couple weeks ago on business at one of our sister stores. Where do you boat? Nockamixon?
Telford! You were 10 minutes from me! Nockamixon has a 20hp limit. We usually do our day trips to  Beltzville, every now and then we he'd to walumpaupack(?sp)
That's what we have on Marburg. 20HP limit. Little boring sometimes but save a ton on gas. Lol!!
It's on the forum somewhere..... Miles of smiles!! Next time you headed this way hit me up!
Told you. Friday's first day off ....

Calling for thunderstorms ....
Every time they have called for storms this month they have petered out before getting to us. My lawn is crispy crispy. Maybe it's time to put in a sprinkler system with the lake pump I bought years ago....

Moral of the story.....Don't sweat the rain.
We had a major storm last night. Ripped roof off house 1000' away from mine. I was in my kitchen pushing against our door (I'm 180) and the wind was so strong it pushed the door open enough for water to come in. Soaked down into basement ceiling. Uprooted and snapped trees. Limbs everywhere. Most damage we saw was within 1/8 mile of our house. They said no tornado, but straight line winds. I probably should have went to basement with wife and animals, but I was worried about the door blowing open. Hindsight .... I was stupid. I will say it scared the **** out of me, and that takes a lot. 
Just had thunderstorms w/small hail roll through our lake right after dinner. What happened to just regular rain or showers. Seems like every rain event is a major event this year.....
You can only fight Mother Nature for so long till she pushes back just enough to let you know who's in charge! 
Had to go and ruin it, just checked the forecast where we're headed and it's now calling for rain Friday and Saturday! Still better than being at work! :)
Just had thunderstorms w/small hail roll through our lake right after dinner. What happened to just regular rain or showers. Seems like every rain event is a major event this year.....

We just had a little rain down our end.