What series is your Benny?

What Series is your Bennington?

  • Total voters
HP and drive poll has been added. You might need to delete your vote and enter all three for those that have already voted.
Maybe this could get this pinned so it doesn't get buried and we can get some good data from the findings. I should have had another poll that shows HP ranges.0-20,  21-50 , 51-89, 90-115, 116-150, 151-200, 201-250, 250+  If there is any interest I will add it.
These are flawed. You are posting ranges in which there is just one engine, i.e. 91-115.

You would be better off using the common hp ratings, not a range.
Feel free to change my poll if you want. I've seen 100hp outboards before, not common but they exist. Doesn't wooden pontoon run an old 85 horse or something? I wasn't trying to be limiting and tried to capture everyone using a range.

P..........Paid off.
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Looks like to vote in the HP & OB /IO .Need to delete your vote and start over .

At least I did 
Yeah I referenced that above for those that already voted.
Numbers dont add up ( on the series ) .says 44 voted,votes  add  up to 45 As of 7:25 am 
Working hard for a living.  Living hard for a life.

We run an R series with a 250 Mercury outboard hanging off the rear.  It makes it easy to live hard. 
Proud   S & Yami 150 owner
115 hp
20 SSX
I see S models have taken a slight lead in the tally. My impression has been there are more of them on the forum. Lots of higher HP showing up as expected from many of the discussions.
Hahaha .... Looks like I have the rare one so far .... R with 20hp .... LOL !!