Where is Derrick?


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Michigander living In Palm City FL
Is he so busy with the new boat he doesn't have time to swing by anymore? Did he see another model coming out, mentioned he wanted one and his wife took him out???? This is a welfare check!!
APB ot on derrick. I haven't even seen him on Facebook either?

Foul play???
big batteries with lots of amps & lots of rain, maybe we should send the Mounties :rolleyes:
Maybe he's on his new boat.
It's Canada, There is a better probability he is on a snow blower.
Hopefully the current from that battery bank is not flowing right through him. Imagine his post count if he got amp'd up a few more volts B)
Is a little weird he's not been around.......... Hope everything's ok.

I had to laugh at Andy's wife comment .... I could just picture his wife slapping him up along side of his head when he says " I wish I would have got" ..... SMACK !!!!!!!!
Hopefully he just has his hands full with the big red boat and everything else is ok.
Haha, well it's good to know that if I suddenly disappear you guys will send someone out to look for me!! Even if it is a guy on a moose! All is fine, been raining everyday so haven't finished the stereo yet. Everything is pretty much done, still have to figure out how to hook the stereo up to direct power to the batteries (already have power and ground wires ran) just have to make sure I cut the right wires on the harness and take the right one off the ACC switch, and figure out how to wire this relay for the remote wire to turn on the amps. Then figure out how the heck I'm going to hold the amp rack up and screw it in under the helm!! Then hope it doesn't rip off the fiberglass! I used some PL9000, that stuff is crazy! It's a quick tack and it isn't kidding!! Brother and sister and sister in law came down today with my niece's, so had to hang out with them, oh and also hook the old Atari up to the big screen for some good old fashioned fun!! The wife is hoping I can get everything done by the weekend so we can take them all out. Not that it will be a ton of fun since I'll be breaking in the motor so nothing to crazy!! Oh and I spent a day helping the cousin run wire in his MB Sports boat tower. That wasn't fun! His task makes mine look like a joke!! Wish I could get him back for a day to finish mine up and run his distortion tester to set everything up right! I have been on here all the time, just not posting. Love the Moose video by the way, I've actually been that guy! Had one running along my truck for quite a while one day!
Glad all is good. Have you even had the boat out yet?
Nope, haven't even put the key in the ignition! Hopefully soon or it won't be at all this year! Just no hot weather either. Don't worry, when it's all done I will flood this site with pictures!