200hp Vs 150 hp


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Just curious as to what the club thinks I may gain in bumping up to a 200hp Mercury PRO XS vs the same year 150HP PRO XS on a 2275 RCW boat.

Seems is possible to upgrade a boat with twin 32" tubes to a 200hp but by gassing the capacity plate by 2 people

So, current 2275 RCW can handle 13 people at WOT and 150hp motor.

A current 2275 can handel 10 people at WOTand a 200hp motor.

What to do.  What to do????
For one thing you'll gain the fact that you won't be wondering what the 200 would do.

This was my biggest reason. If you can afford it, go as big as you can.
I'd go with as much as the boat can handle. For our second boat we didn't want any regrets when it came to power so maxed it out. Plus any motor with 3 digits and starts with a 2 just demands attention on the back of a toon.
Damn, I got a 2 on the front, but only 2 digits ..... :)
Damn, I got a 2 on the front, but only 2 digits ..... :)
Don't worry Dave yours gets attention too, kind of like a super model with an overweight slob, the pieces still go together but one deserves better.
Wow Lakeliving, if you consider Smitty fat I wonder what you think about me?
No, the bennington is the super model, and the 20 hp motor is the slob. The bennington deserves better(bigger). Just an analogy and not my best work!
Lakeliving I knew what you meant; I just like thinking that you called Smitty a slob
Mark, we all know your a sexy beast after that raft picture.

Todd, curious as to why you're looking at 2 stroke with all the advancements in 4 stroke technology.
U guys crack me up !!!!! Lol !!!!!
Mark, we all know your a sexy beast after that raft picture.
You just HAD to remind us all of that picture.

Loved the analogy, by the way!
I bought the highest horsepower my boat was rated for when I ordered it. That was 150hp.  i even broke that rule by getting a 150 that is more along the lines of the high side hp tolerance and pushing close to 165hp (150 +/-10%).    Now Bennington may have pulled the trump card out and changed the carrying capacity label and dropped 2 people off of the load carrying to step up to the 200hp max.  So, i did what I thought was correct at the time, and it still maybe backfire at me. 


I'm still a 2 stroke fan.  Maybe its because Im old school?  Maybe cause today is tuesday?  Maybe its cause Im afraid of change?  Hell, I don't know.  Just like 2 strokes.

Should I at least look at one?  Yeah.  Merc's new 200hp 4 stroke is nice.  Then again, its brand new. Dano has  wonderful 150hp 4 stroke and a bada$$ prop that makes his boat fly.  :D   I don't want a Verado (sorry guys).  Don't want the hassle of having to change all the gauges and controls out and the whole supercharger things scares me when it comes time to fix something.  Power to weight ratio etc is better on a 2 stroke..  Yes, I know the 4 strokes are wonderful, quiet and efficient.  They weight a bit more, have slightly less hole shot (IMHO).  The moden 2 strokes throw out less emissions and no smoke compared to those of yesteryear  and the Optimax and Etec are the only 2 stroke engines alllowed in places like Lake Tahoe (unless that has changed recently??).  They are CARB 3 star rated.  Maybe the Yamaha HPDI falls in that same group as well? 

Price is actually close between the standard 4 stroke EFI and the Optimax Pro XS. 

In the end, I may look at a4 stroke.  Im hoping to find a non current year engine that wasn't sold to get some money off and make this change as painless as possible.  My best best is still to convice my cousin who bought a pontoon the same month I did (JUne 2011).  He has brand X, but has the 200hp Merc Optimax Pro XS on it.  His is rated to 250 and his boat is 26 feet and has talked about wishing he get could a bigger motor. 

More to follow

interesting compairsions on the Yamaha website

Bennington 2250GSR with Yamaha 200hp VFLA with Twin Elip toons... 

48mph top end.


Bennington 2275 RCW with Yamhama 200hp VFLA with ESP package

Almost a 6mph top end difference between a ESP boat (slower) then a 32" twin Elip boat

42mph top end


Reminder this is only  a top end straight line test. 
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mtudb24, couple of additional observations on your spec sheets:  The R is aprox 300 lbs heavier than the G and the R has a 56 gallon fuel tank vs the g's 35, test conditions don't mention if tanks were full but if both were that adds up to another 150 ils which makes for a total of 450 lbs.  That amount of weight does add up to some of the difference
So I talked to Bennington Engineering today.  I will have to modify the transom to the "Mega Pod".  They says its a simple retrofit.  He is checking on price for me.  And it drops carrying capacity by 2 people.

If I can find the right 200hp motor for the right price, I think im gonig to do this depending on what the cost of the Mega Transom is.

I can tell, I don't have a 56 gallon tank in my R series.  Its 30 or 25 at the most.  Maybe cause I have a 2 tube boat.  Unless the gauge is wrong, i can't get more then 28 gallons in when its on Empty.
So you'll have to swap the transom? Wonder what they did to it to make it accommodate the 200. Did he say?
I would bet it may span more cross members to spread the load out more.