2019 23 RSB Purchase - Dumb ? on elevated helm


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So looking at the boat pics online (will go in person tomorrow) but in the pic's there is no flooring on the R helm. Only sort of a anti slip deck molded in. Is that how they come? I see the snap in flooring set up on some the the S and maybe G models. Sorry for dumb newbie question.
Couple pages in catalog show it. I’m 99% sure it does have matching removable piece.
Awesome, thanks, I just couldn't find anywhere on build & price that said it was included.
My 2018 23 RSFB did not come with flooring on the raised helm. The floor there is textured but it's still slippery when it gets wet. I'd love to have a snap in piece that matches the rest of the flooring.
Hmmmm .... maybe because of the type of flooring. I’ve seen them on seagrass flooring.
My 2018 23 RSFB has seagrass flooring on the raised helm.
Must be an upgrade item then...?
It is the type flooring. Seagrass you get snap in on the helm. The type you have you don’t get the flooring on the helm.
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Think that might be it. Different flooring options result in a covered vs. uncovered helm floor.

Was thinking maybe I could match up colors on some seadek material and make a little foot area, much like a car floor liner. Needs to stick to the fiberglass, look good and not scream "aftermarket add on" but also not move around like a piece of carpet might do. Don't want to drill any holes for snaps in a brand new boat. Seadek can be removed. Any opinions? Maybe I live with plain fiberglass. Ha.
Vpracer, welcome to the family! Personally, I'd live with it for the season and then make a decision on what to do long term. Sometimes we think we need to change something, only to discover that our first impulse wasn't really quite accurate. Enjoy the boat and for heaven's sake, post up some pictures for us to ogle...
Welcome to the forum, and to Bennington. I have often said that, “ you need to know the right questions to ask.” Unfortunately in order to do that you need to know the topic. Would would have thought to ask the salesman before purchase about flooring on the raised helm. I have Seagrass and have the snap on flooring on the raised helm.
I really like Michiman’s advice above! I have a couple things I wish I had waited on, because I never ended up using them, OR used once and tucked away. Likewise, other things I’d never thought about became “needs/wants” after that first season.

IF you decide to move forward now or later, I really like the sound of the SeaDeck idea. SeaDeck screams boating and nautical, so it would look like an upgrade overall, not just some afterthought/aftermarket item.

Good luck! Welcome Aboard the Forums! Pictures when you can please...
Same here, I have a 2019 25 QSBA looks just like Vpracer. Can't stand the look or feel of the textured fiberglass. What about getting Seadek to make a template for the paised helm area?
Sort of funny but when I was at the dealership, they have steps for customers to board the boat while shopping. The decking of those steps was seadek, branded with Bennington. It was a nice looking piece of Seadek with Bennington engraved into it. Also, was a brownish color that might get close to matching the floor. Looked like it would work for having a small covered area on the helm. I know its a long shot but maybe the dealer could contact Bennington, maybe they could acquire a few of those. Otherwise, yeah a pattern for the footwell piece. Could be an easy DIY project.
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I have seagrass flooring on my 2019 Q and the raised helm has a snap in piece. If I didn't have this I think I would do the seadek.