25,000 posts this week


Reaction score
If we can get 80-some posts this week, we'll exceed 25k posts.

Wonder who will be the lucky poster?
My money is on Semper.
+1 for Smitty.
I say Derrick !!!!
41 more to go @ 1:05 ,6/10/13
Think I am just a little early but shows how important this forum is
Someone has to hit it while Semper's still at work!
I think it will be some random newbie! Haha
Yes, indeed!
Well, according to my dealer, I'm looking at the second week of July for delivery. That's going to be one heck of a week!
You are taking a vacation week ,right ?
Haha, already done my friends.! I had originally taken the first week of July (booked it in January ) because that long weekend is a killer for us (wife, inlaws, me, other random people) spend the weekend selling embroidered shirts, goodies, jackets, cowboy hats, silk screened products for a event called Dauphin's Countryfest. A huge event here, 4 days of partying, camping, big name musicians, we spend usually from 10AM till 2AM everyday selling stuff, very draining weekend. So instead of recuperating, I'll go back to work and take the next week! Hopefully it shows up!
Woo Hoo! 25K is nothing to sneeze about for a young forum.

Here(raises coffee cup) is to hoping for many more milestones in our future.

Happy boating.
