And better pricing for parts


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Lake Tulloch Ca
Hi I have a 2012 (out of warranty) 2575 QCW. The rear galley has a plastic trim ring that Broke. The local dealer gave me a price of $80 for this Cheep piece of plastic trim. I’m sure it will break in another 3 years or so just NOT ok will spending $100 (with sipping ) for a flimsy piece of vacuumed formed piece of plastic.
Any ideas?

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Hi I have a 2012 (out of warranty) 2575 QCW. The rear galley has a plastic trim ring that Broke. The local dealer gave me a price of $80 for this Cheep piece of plastic trim. I’m sure it will break in another 3 years or so just NOT ok will spending $100 (with sipping ) for a flimsy piece of vacuumed formed piece of plastic.
Any ideas?

View attachment 25979

Well, if it lasted since 2012, the original would have made it 7 years...which isn’t too bad for an $80 item. Heck, one can spend that going out to dinner once with the family, and more than that with one fill up of gas tank on the boat. Just my 2 cents.
I guess when you look at the “quality” of this very thin (Vacuum Formed) plastic and you say to your self $80+Shipping for this . What a joke. But yes a fill up is not cheep but that’s a cost you count on.

BTW this trim piece has broke once before
The first time it was comets under warranty
I can appreciate that MrG. Particularly since it doesn’t seem durable enough, let alone durable vs. price. Sometimes its not the actual price, as opposed to price and quality, or price and situation, that can be ready, really irritating. I didn’t mean to trivialize that aspect of it all. Best wishes on hopefully a more cost effective options. Or a more durable replacement.
I guess when you look at the “quality” of this very thin (Vacuum Formed) plastic and you say to your self $80+Shipping for this . What a joke. But yes a fill up is not cheep but that’s a cost you count on.

BTW this trim piece has broke once before
The first time it was comets under warranty

My door has the same trim ring and while it looks “cheap”, when I bought the boat I saw it and was thinking “I’ll be replacing that one day” my plan is to make something from teak or mahogany if it happens, then again, I got 7 years left for dealer to take care of it. Wow, where’d those last three go so fast???
I was thinking I have some 3/4inch ABS plastic that I think I can use as a Door hinge support. I’m pretty sure I can repair what I have and at the same time make it stronger and better then stock for penny’s. I’ll be keeping that $80+ shipping OR something I can’t make OR repair, “like my feelings” LOL LOL LOL
Hey MrG,
How about something like this:

I don't know if it would "bend" around that sharp of a corner but, it might be worth looking into. Some folks don't like Chrome but, in this case, it might be just what the doctor ordered. Just a thought here.
Hey Scott thanks for the Reply. But that would not help me. The trim actually works as the support for the door hinge. Kind of like how your door at home screws into the wall and holds the door. Well that’s the part that broke. I ordered a piece of UHMW it’s this super cool to work with plastic that you can drill and tap and cuts well. This will work as my new door hinge support. I will cut and shape this plastic to hold the door at the hinge behind the piece that broke. After I’m done you won’t even be able to tell it’s not stock
UHMW , otherwise known as Ultra High Molecular Weight, plastic. I know it VERY WELL. One of my overtime assignments in the San Diego Fire Department was outfitting brand new fire trucks, to prep them for service. We used MILES of UHMW for years and years in all sorts of shapes, sizes, thickness's and more. Yep, you can do all the drilling and tapping and all that but, one thing that we really wanted to do with it, YOU CAN'T. And that is, you cannot WELD IT. We learned that for about 1/2 the cost and about 3/4 or more of durability, strength, user friendliness and all that, you can get HDPE plastic. High Density Polyethylene. If you don't know about it, in appearance, it's identical. And, it can be WELDED. We made boxes and a whole lot more out of that HDPE. Anyway, glad you got your system working with the UHMW.

I retired 10 years ago and still have a small box of both UHMW and HDPE pieces. I use it quite often for all kinds of various little projects. It's so fun to work with and, so incredibly strong. The only problem with normal HDPE or, UHMW is, neither are UV resistant. Yes, they'll last for a while but, exposed to direct sunlight, they will both deteriorate over time to the point they'll crack. No biggie, it takes quite a while for that to happen. Good luck.
Scott thanks for the Heads up and info on both plastics. The hinge will not see the light of day, but that’s good info. I’ll keep that in mind if I need to make somthing that is the sunlight.
Roger that Sir. As stated, I love working with that plastic. Another one for you to look into for a future project is, Type 1 PVC. It's gray in color and, can be anywhere from 1/4" thick to upwards of 1"- 2" thick. It too is fun to work with. Just some ideas for ya.