Bennington Warranty


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Sacandaga Lake, NY
Thought of doing 2 upgrades to my 2012 RL but do not want to void my warranty. I have a good friend that is an aluminum welder and he has offered to put Lifting Strakes on the boat no charge for his labor just me paying for material. he also offered to underskin the bottom same deal.

If he does either of these will it void my warranty?
This is a question for Bennington. Hopefully they won't be too busy working all the boat shows to monitor this website.

I would suggest you purchase the strakes through your dealer's parts department, as Bennington's strakes are carefully engineered items. They and other manufacturers have put a lot of time and testing into the design and installation of their strakes.

And a welder that installs strakes has to be really good, as it's very easy to burn holes and make leaks in toons. It'd be nice if they were pressure tested after the welding was completed.
I agree with the Commodore. Much engineering involved to enhance perfromance . Mine glides through the water like Butter!! 2275 RCW
To install your own lifting strakes would only void the pontoon warranty, leaving the rest of the warranty in tact. We simply cannot control the welding techniques used by outside sources, although there are many qualified welders out there who could do a great job for you. Structural problems with a tube are normally weld-related anyway, so you could get your welder to make future repairs! Adding a factory underdeck waveshield should not void the warranty. Use stainless rivets.

You should definitely order those strakes from Bennington, they are designed specifically for our running surfaces.

Good luck with your project, TB
Thanks for the input TB.