Best way to attach fenders

I use ez fenders as well. We don't u thread them, just pull them up high. I don't think it looks bad
That's a good point, Link. For the port quarter fenders on on the EZ Fenders I'll do that (except for when I'm trailering)
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EZ Fenders for me. Purchased them for my first Pontoon and again with my current one. In addition to functionality I think they look good as well.
I bought these last year. I like the ease of being able to adjust the height as conditions require.

I just looked at the link that prd2hnt posted and realized that I don't use the Taylor Made, I use the Shoreline Marine Adjustable Pontoon Fender Cleat the he posted. :cool:

I've liked them because the height of the fender is so easy to adjust. I didn't buy the Taylor Made because it looks like you would have to adjust the knot.

We trailer everywhere (I keep having to say that!) and therefore are always pulling up to different docks with different configurations.
I have a new GCW 2375 and I am looking for ways to attach the the fenders. I used the clips made by Taylormade on my last boat ( Different Brand ) . I have tried the clips on the Bennington rails, but they do not fit very well. I am looking at the stainless steel options from several companies, but I wanted to get some feedback before I purchase. These require drilling and attaching the new base brackets, so it's a commitment once you start.
I find it a bit frustrating that after having spent a ton on money on a new 23GCW that there is no provisions made for hanging fenders. I tried the Taylor Made ones but so far have lost 2 of them from wakes pushing the boat against the dock. Yes they are very easy to use but don't always fit in between the upholstery and the rails. The wrap around holders won't work because there is no space around the rail on the newer Benni's. The thought of drilling into the railing is also not appealing. I think it's a design fail on an otherwise awesome boat!
I don't think there is a boat made that has dedicated places to hang fenders. EZFender is the best.
I'd be all over those EZ Fenders if they had a spring loaded, claw ratched teeth holding the line instead of having to thread your line through and turn a knob each time. I prefer the square clips though I do wish for a better than both of those system.
I've been using the Taylormade clips because they allow flexibility in placement of the fender. However, on the port quarter of our boat, the clips won't work because there is a solid attachment of the rail to the sundeck. So, I bought 2 EZ Fenders and mounted them in that area.

I don't like running with my fenders out (or laying inboard on a bench all wet), and the clips make it easy to pull them off, as opposed to the EZ Fenders, where I have to thread the line into the hole to mount the fender each time.

Also, we trailer 100% of the time so the fenders have to come off/on at each outing.

To help with threading the line into the EZ Fenders, I wrapped the first 2 inches in electrical tape.

I suppose with more experience I'll find a better or more convenient way (as with everything in life!)
heat shrink tubing