Boat is home, but not without some issues!

Sorry to hear of all yours troubles Derrick -- you need to get out on the water!  It has a strange way of making things seem better. 
Scary, I think I know more people hurt from ladder mishaps than any other type of accidents ???? Good think you were able to walk (limp) away..........
Feeling pretty good thanks! No problems with the back, the shin and knee are still a little sore. Funny thing is the knee that is sore was the least of my worries originally, it looked like just scraped skin, but it's bruise is the blackest! Haha, it's all good, except when my big Gibson(dog) decides to push hard with his head because he has this weird love of running between people's legs! Not usually a problem with the wife and I, but when my 5'5 dad comes over, it can cause some 'discomfort' Haha. On a bright note, 

THE BOAT FINALLY GOT WET!! Of course that's only because it rained, but I got all the batteries and gear in it!