Boat lettering suggestions

Can you tell me from where they downloaded the font? i have only been able to get similar looking fonts.

As it turned out it wasn't the true Bennington font. He just did a google search and there was a font named Bennington. I got one set of Bennington font and one set of Arial bold or something similar for $10 so I wasn't picky.
No issues with mine over the 6 years since the were installed .As soon as I can get my registration number ( sos is closed here ) ,I will be ordering another set
Looks great Jenks. Question: Did you have any issue getting them to stick to the waved contour of the external pontoon panel? Anything you did to make it work out well?


I have had mine for a year now no problems. Couple of tricks, 1) clean and prep the surface, I used a lint free cloth and some alcohol. 2) do it on a warm day, the letters will be more pliable if they are warm. Other than that I just took my time and made sure I pressed them into the grooves.
Going on my 4th year and they are as good as the day they were put on the boat.