Yea the stuff works very well at removing the scale/ hard water marks. You can see the lake scum and other stuff melt off the side of the toons. The trick it to get the mag cleaner spread evenly over the aluminum. That's what the soft bristle brush is for. Moving the cleaner evenly over the toon and doing it in small sections ast to not let the cleaner dry. If you let it dry it will leave a white streak. You can fix it by simply re doing that section.
But yes do it in the shade. Wear gloves. And if its not windy you shouldn't have any problems with getting it in your eyes or face. But eye protection would not hurt or a respirator if your working in a non ventilated area (like under the toons in the front)
But yes do it in the shade. Wear gloves. And if its not windy you shouldn't have any problems with getting it in your eyes or face. But eye protection would not hurt or a respirator if your working in a non ventilated area (like under the toons in the front)