Cover for rear deck


Just some guy
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Dauphin, Manitoba
Who here has had a cover made to cover the rear deck? I am currently trying to get one made at the same time as they fix my "fixed" playpen cover holes. Does anyone have pictures of them? Mine as you know/can see is an RCW, so need to figure out how to go over ladder grab bars and attach underneath. Any and all pics of cover alterations welcome! Thanks!
Heh Derrick,

Can you describe your playpen cover issues?  I missed it or joined after your post. 

I only ask as my new Bennington I got June 24th has some cover issues that I am dealing with the dealer, and seeing if they are similar or things I should watch out for.

The problem I am having is specific to the Sport Tower model, so it's not the same. Sorry. It's in regards to the hole in the cover being designed to go around the V of the joining tubes instead of providing enough material to just go over the lowest horizontal bar so therefore only having to go around a single tube. The cover would literally funnel all the water into the hole. They did send me a new cover, but still could use slightly more material in the area between the tower uprights to allow the pole to make a higher angle. Also they still left a 15"wide tie up hole to go around a 2.5" tube, so I still have a big rain hole. I had asked if someone could PM me who to contact so I could let them know so they can fix future models, but no one has yet.
Ah, ok I see now. 

My issue is that the snaps on the front of the boat do not hold.  Wind popped the snap off so quickly and by the time I got it stopped, it had beat against the front side wall of the new boat (literally, 20 minutes after picking it up).  I am working with the dealer to correct the cover, but also deal with the fact the cover is unusable without continual damage to the boat painted side walls.  Added to all this, we didn't order the snap version of cover, and ordered the clip version of cover.  Getting the snap version now has put snaps in our metal rails around the entire boat, which we didn't order or want. 

It will be interesting how the dealer and Bennington correct this.
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Hate to tell you this, but it's not Bennington's fault, it's not a towable cover. It's been stated many times, even says so on the little tag on the cover.
Who here has had a cover made to cover the rear deck? I am currently trying to get one made at the same time as they fix my "fixed" playpen cover holes. Does anyone have pictures of them? Mine as you know/can see is an RCW, so need to figure out how to go over ladder grab bars and attach underneath. Any and all pics of cover alterations welcome! Thanks!
I remember the pics when he posted them .Thought he said about $500 ?
Thanks Jack!!

I just had my cover extended about 2 weeks ago at a local upholstery shop.  They left all the other buttons in place around the back and sewed the extension on.  Also added snaps around the decking and looks like it was originally made that way.   I did it to protect the teak flooring and so I could leave our Lily pad under it while at the dock.  I don't have photos now but I could snap some over the weekend if you want me to.  The cost was about $300.  

I just had my cover extended about 2 weeks ago at a local upholstery shop.  They left all the other buttons in place around the back and sewed the extension on.  Also added snaps around the decking and looks like it was originally made that way.   I did it to protect the teak flooring and so I could leave our Lily pad under it while at the dock.  I don't have photos now but I could snap some over the weekend if you want me to.  The cost was about $300.  
I'm interested in photo's as well. I'm contemplating the Lily pad and I would love to see what you have done and storage is one of my concerns.
Well, at least I have it that the dealer told me it was a trailerable cover.  I honestly didn't look at the tag on the cover until you posted that. 

I know specifically the dealer said it was when I purchased it, and the even said it again when I picked up the boat.  I recall asking if we needed to put it on before I drove away, and they said no, not for a 30 mile drive but anything longer put the cover on and it will be ok. 

At least they have been really good to work with thus far.
So this cover saga is going to get worse it seems.  Without being able to cover the boat while trailering, now my mega bar counter top is pulling off.  It seems the glue used has come lose.  My only theory is that from the wind "pulling up" on the lip of the mega bar caused it, as I know it was good when I stored it last and noticed it immediately when putting in the water at my last destination this weekend.  To safely get home, I put a towel around it to protect the counter and cabinet finishes, then put a ratchet strap around the entire counter top giving it support on my drive home.

Now I basically cannot trailer the boat with or without a cover without damage.  Just not right....

Here are some photos I promised.


Thanks for the pics. That's really nice!
What size is your lily pad ?

We have  the 6 X 9 .I wouldn't be able to use the

cover with an RCW 

(Derricks Pic ,Thanks ) 

the lily pad is 6 x 18
Looks great! I'm trying to decide if I want it to be two separate extensions(on either side of the transom) so it isn't open for squirrels or such at the transom.
AlexW-Runde in Dubuque.
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