Dealer price change

I'm just running hydraulic with my 200. I'm sure power assist is awesome but ours will do for now
Hydraulic is a huge improvement.  The install I did was on a 150 merc EFI 2-stroke.  My brother also has it on his 21' Triton fish-n-ski with a 200 EFI merc.  No issues with the bigger motor either.

I have a 150 fourstroke...  Would you say hydraulic steering is closer to cable steering, or closer to power steering (like a car) or somewhere in the middle in terms of ease of steering?  I'm still trying to justify doing this upgrade.  It would be in the $1000-$1200 range.
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I have a 150 fourstroke...  Would you say hydraulic steering is closer to cable steering, or closer to power steering (like a car) or somewhere in the middle in terms of ease of steering?  I'm still trying to justify doing this upgrade.  It would be in the $1000-$1200 range.
Significant improvement.  As I mentioned in the other thread, there is little difference (as long at the ratios are the same and cable system is working well) when motor is off or in neutral.  There is a significant difference when under power.  There is no feedback with hydraulic.  Meaning that the motor movement can't push the wheel around.  This can be safety problem as well as lead to fatigue when performing water sport maneuvers
I have a 150 fourstroke...  Would you say hydraulic steering is closer to cable steering, or closer to power steering (like a car) or somewhere in the middle in terms of ease of steering?  I'm still trying to justify doing this upgrade.  It would be in the $1000-$1200 range.
I have the merc 150 on mine w/ hydraulic, and coming from an older sea ray with cable, i can without a doubt say that the hydraulic is closer to power assist.   Steering that sea ray was like steering a bus with no power steering.   The hydraulic on our Benny is effortless at low speed, but gets tougher under power.
I think you can add power assist to a Mercury cheaper than buying the SeaStar power steering assist.  

After the SeaStar unit is purchased, paying to have it and an additional battery installed, you're pushing $3K--on top of the cost of the hydraulic steering unit.  It's a serious expense.

My SeaStar and F150 drive great at cruising speeds.  But when you get in the upper 30's, it's a two fisted tug on the wheel.  It would be nice to have p/s assist, but until we have to start towing the little grandkids on tubes, we're just fine.