Dent in eliptical center log


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Looking to purchase preowned tritoon. When looking at the boat we noticed that the center eliptical is dented. Asked the storage person showing us the boat and he indicated that the racks the boats are stored on have a tendency to deform center toons and that they have owners sign a release acknowledging that this may happen.

Should we be concerned about this condition?

It is the ESP package with solid keels.

Boat is a 2013 2275 RCW.
A picture would be helpful.
Anyone that's considering dry storage for any pontoon/triton boat must be aware that those giant forklift will dent your boat at one point. 

Storing a boat in this manner requires that a rack be constructed that essentially looks like a boat trailer without an axle. 

The giant forklift spears the steel rack and not the pontoon boat sitting on the rack. 

Sorry about the dent in the elliptical center log.  Depending on where it is, maybe a Dent Doctor can drill a hole in the dent and pull the dent out--and TIG welding the hole shut.  Full replacement of an elliptical center toon would be a really big expense.
Sorry did not take picture of dent. It involves the solid keel and is about six inches long. Don't know that it could be pulled out without cutting keel. Anyone know what an elliptical center toon costs? I think the gas tank is located in this toon?

Not sure how to make offer based on this condition or just walk away.
I had the port side on a 2014 2375 RCW  replaced last year by insurance ,just under , $3500 
I have seen people set blocks under the tube during storage.

This is the WORST thing you can do unless done correctly.

The only place to safely place a block under a tube is where there is a vertical weld.

If the ground/floor is flat, no blocking is needed.

Sorry to hijack the thread, but this one is a pet peeve to me.

If the dent is small, it likely will not have any noticeable effect on the performance.

Use it to negotiate a savings & life is good.
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I think you're worrying over nothing. A 6" dent is very small and I don't think you will even notice while running the boat. Use it as a bargaining tool to get the price reduced.