I personally ordered it from a non Amazon seller to avoid that high shipping charge they had.They want like $35 to ship this. And it doesn't appear to have an Amazon Prime option either.
Boat docking takes some getting used to. The dang thing won't steer when in neutral....even though it's moving. It ain't got wheels. The propellers have to be turning to steer. And even that is tricky. In forward, the rear goes where the motor is pointed. The bow does the opposite, but not in perfect sync. In reverse, the rear goes opposite of where the motor is pointing. It's always like the other end is on a string. All of this to say again......it takes practice and patience. These poles are great aids, but keep it real slow. We like the boat drifting to the dock, fenders deployed, and motor shut off where possible. Jump off and control it with our hands and ropes.
And yes, 90% of the time I dock without it, it’s the 10% of the time that i glad I had it. We have a 3 year old. So most of the time it’s either me in the boat or the 3 of us.
Roles are as follows when docking with 3 of us:
Mom watches the 3 year old to ensure all hands and fingers are in the boat and both of them remain seated.
Dad does everything else.
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