Express tube added between eliptical

I think the increased flip risk would come from the banking ability that comes with adding the center toon. A twin tube boat will turn pretty flat while a tritoon will bank. Banking with strakes on the outside could be an issue. 
I've been thinking more about this tonight, and I just have to say, why be the alpha tester for a new toon config? Don't fix what's not broken, spend that money on some other fun upgrades! You've got one hell of a boat just the way it is and it is unclear at best whether this will actually give you any significant improvement. Just had to say it... but I won't lie, if you do it, I'm still super interested to hear how it goes. 
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I have 6 strakes.  It stays totally flat in a hard turn.  It doesn't bank in, but it doesn't roll out either.  Just stays flat no matter what you do.  I've not had any issues turning.

In hindsight, it WOULD be nice to have a pontoon that banks during a turn for tubing though.  But the SPS option wasn't out yet when we got our boat at the end of 2011.  And ESP was quite a bit more $ and kinda "out of place" on an S model boat.

I can't imagine you having any turning trouble with what you're doing. 

I would think you will have a more level boat than I do though.  Mine sits bow-high due to the 3/4 express tube not going all the way back.  Your ellipticals are far more bouyant, so I'm guessing the bow-high effect of the Express tube will be less noticable for you.   
looks to me like any aggressive turn will pull the center toon out of the water making it inactive.

sitting flat - minimum added flotation and more drag.

at this rate it will be May 2016 before we find out. Boat God's way of telling you not to bother.
Still looking forward to your results! I'm guessing you may get a little more speed and a tighter turn radius out of this, regardless of what others say. The Express is a proven improvement on the twin standard tubes. How could anyone say with any certainty that this wouldn't be an improvment on the ellipticals? In my mind, the odds are clearly in your favor of this being a success. Just my gut talking though. I do like the added forward buoyancy that the Express tube gives when we have a full boat of people. I have NEVER had the feeling the front might submerge on me because it always points up slightly. Good luck!
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If I remember the original post, he said the elips had strakes on the inside and the outside. If so it won't bank.
Are you adding this to an R or G model boat?

Both boats are heavier than an S, with the R being the heaviest, so I would think doing this gets you the best bang for the buck with an R as the center Express will give you more bouyancy to help offset the added weight of the boat.

I'm looking forward to hearing your results. 
Hello everybody following this,

News flash. Bennington didn't ship the toon with boat order just received. Dealer asking if I want to continue this quest. Answer is NO!!!!!!!!I am currently trying to get the dealer to upgrade me to the ESP package as they sold me the elliptical and express tube setup and can't complete their end of the deal by installing the express toon. Already paid in full. I know I should of held back some cash, but it was all financed with my trade-in.

So now I am pressuring them to take my boat and do the upgrade over the late fall months after things quiet down for them at no extra charge. Note I Am extremely close to what I have already paid to the actually costs for this upgrade minus markup. They can remove my ellipticals which are still in awesome shape as they only have 8 hours on then and is store on the trailer when not being driven. Dealer to call me back in the next couple days to let me know. Moving Forward I hope in a better direction. Nothing to lose and a ton to gain if I can pull this of with little to no extra money exchange....
Bummer on not getting what you paid for but hopefully you are happy in the end. I've never been on an ESP equipped boat but I hear the ride is awesome.
Update, dealer has started off by offering me the SPS toon package at no additional charge... Heading in the right direction.... Told them no. I also want the ESP in a salt water package so when my wife and I relocate south I don't have to worry about the body of water I might end up at... I think to pull this off it is going to cost me something.. Now just to minimize the damage to my wallet....
Funny note, dealer said my toons are used and not new or worth as much. I told him not to even go down that road or else I would take this into a different direction. I told him we should be able to work this out without either side being hurt in this. He side he would get back to me again later to discuss after he further reviews the numbers....
ESP is fantastic. I only have experience on twin 25's to compare it to, but man, I love my ESP. 

Your dealer definitely needs to make up for not delivering the express as promised. But he's totally right, your tubes are no longer new and they are worth less now that they are used and you want to swap them all out. Yeah, I know, they're pretty new, maybe a few weeks old? How many hours do you have on 'em? 10, 20? But how many people here would be cool with buying a brand new boat with toons from a different boat with even 10 hours on the toons without some sort of discount? Especially if they didn't have sharkhide to keep the oxidization from starting (I'm not sure if yours do). And even if they are perfect, there isn't really a strong market for loose toons out there, so the dealer probably is less than stoked about sitting on a pair of twin elips hoping they can move them somehow to someone with just the right sized boat and who just happens to want to switch to that exact toon config. Unless they're new and at the factory ready to put on a new boat, the market is small. No doubt, he promised you something and has not delivered, but I think you're expecting a bit more than is really necessary for something as simple as not delivering that express tube as fast as promised. If anything, it's given you an awesome opportunity to experience your boat both ways, and what better time than when the season is practically done with?
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