Foggy Guages


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What is the best way to get the Guages from being foggy. The fuel and trim Guages have a bunch of moisture in them should I replace them r get new ones. Thanks 2013 20slx
They'll replace them under warranty but it'll still happen. I've replaced that guage on our 2007 3 times and it still fogs up.
CRAZYCAJUN....We have same model and no problems with gauges yet.Do you have it covered at all or in a cold climate.I have cleared gauges on my old bowrider and motorcycles with a hair dryer and it usualy works,if not there might be bad seals on the bezzels.Keep us posted on your outcome.
I had it covered all winter and we live in south west Louisiana so it doesn't get that cold. I will try blow dryer on it tomorrow and check bezels. Thanks
It gets washed and dried and covered after every use too! I might be a lil OCD LOL
Didn't have the problem on our 2013 SLX ,still in storage right now .I will look before trade in .
As Carl said, same issue. Hair dryer will only dry the moisture temporary. It will come back. Ours fogs up till sun hits it for a while. I've learned to just live with it.
Called dealer (6 hrs away) to see what he can do, said take pics email them to him he'll send me new ones. Got on boat guess sun dried them up LOL. It always stays covered but didn't cover it yesterday because I need to put all my stuff back in it after I took it to get service done. So I just live with it like bulldogscadilac said. BUT I will say this I don't any other dealer r company that would do that for u that quick. Sun tracker is a popular pontoon here because that's really one of only dealers around here, plus price but u get what u pay for. (Plus I paid less for mine than a sun tracker with less stuff by shopping and got top quality boat) the one Bennington dealer here doesn't sell a lot of pontoons mainly bay boats and stuff like that. Matter if fact my son bought an excel alumnum boat from him this weekend. And thanks for help from everyone