Fuel and Trim gauge stopped at same time.


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I have a 2014 G Series.  This weekend my fuel gauge and trim gauge stopped responding.  The tach that sits between them is working fine.  When I turn the key, there is a very small bit of movement with gauge needles.  Any suggestions other than haul it to the dealer?  Thank You!
Check for bad ground connection. Being both are doing it, sounds like a common connection point. Looks like tach shares the ground though?
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The fuel gauge is only a simple float gauge and sometimes the float gets stuck.  On my Rl the tank is easily accessible and the float is easy to reach, take the bolts out and make sure the float slides up and down easily on the pole.  Heard of others who have lost the trim gauge who said it was a pretty fix but can't remember how they did it or who told me 
Absolutely a +2 on the ground. 

Did you check the ground wire connection?

I find that when 2 or more things act up at the same time it is often a common ground wire problem. Check and make sure the grounds are tight & clean.

 Good luck.

And welcome to the forum Ag. Nice to see a first post be a response to a question from another new member! Oh ya, post what boat model and pics if you have one. But it's not required to own a boat on this forum. Look forward to seeing future posts.
Welcome to the forum Agizmofish.  Tell us about yourself.
Thank you for the feedback and for the electrical schematic Semperfi8387.   The boat is at the cabin so I have to wait for the weekend to see if the ground cable is the issue.  Looking at the schematic however it appears that there is a 10A fuse in the purple line from the ignition switch.   Couldn't this also be the issue?  I'm assuming that this is a inline fuse?  Thank you again to everyone.  
I'm assuming the schematic is correct in that you have a combo gauge with Trim/Fuel/Voltage? If you have the combo and the voltmeter still works, I would check the B+ connection (12V+) between the Speedo and the combo gauge. Looking at the schematic the combo gauge has two 12V+ connections to battery. One is probably intended to be a clean direct path to the battery for the volt meter and the other looks like it is shared with the Tach and Speedo. However if all three gauges in the combo gauge are not working verify the ground connection as mentioned by a couple of other members. 
Thank you for the feedback and for the electrical schematic Semperfi8387.   The boat is at the cabin so I have to wait for the weekend to see if the ground cable is the issue.  Looking at the schematic however it appears that there is a 10A fuse in the purple line from the ignition switch.   Couldn't this also be the issue?  I'm assuming that this is a inline fuse?  Thank you again to everyone.  

Yes, if you have separate fuel/trim gauges I would say that's possible, but the tach/hour meter also pulls from same purple wire. Now the tach may pull power via motor connector, so see if your hour meter works also. That would be fed by engine ignition power. 
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So I now have the answer as to why the fuel gauge and trim gauge both went out at the time time.  Unfortunately, it is the same reason why I also had a hole in my gas line.  A muskrat chewed through multiple wires!  Its a real nightmare trying to figure out where each wire is broken.   Now I have to figure out how to trap the damn thing!  
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So I now have the answer as to why the fuel gauge and trim gauge both went out at the time time.  Unfortunately, it is the same reason why I also had a hole in my gas line.  A muskrat chewed through multiple wires!  Its a real nightmare trying to figure out where each wire is broken.   Now I have to figure out how to trap the damn thing!  

Oh man that's awful. I've seen traps for Muskrats all over the web and I've also seen where folks will come out to your property with a pet Mink that is trained to find them in a matter of minutes and solve the problem that way. I think either method would be rather rewarding.
So I now have the answer as to why the fuel gauge and trim gauge both went out at the time time.  Unfortunately, it is the same reason why I also had a hole in my gas line.  A muskrat chewed through multiple wires!  Its a real nightmare trying to figure out where each wire is broken.   Now I have to figure out how to trap the damn thing!  

Trap 'em with a 9mm.......
I've never paid much attention to muskrats due to the boat being stored on a lift. Am I safe in my assumption? Or should I step up my defenses?
So I now have the answer as to why the fuel gauge and trim gauge both went out at the time time.  Unfortunately, it is the same reason why I also had a hole in my gas line.  A muskrat chewed through multiple wires!  Its a real nightmare trying to figure out where each wire is broken.   Now I have to figure out how to trap the damn thing!  

Sorry to hear that! I paid my dealer to weld a screen on the back to prevent the little critters from feasting on my hardware. Cwag911 has a slightly different approach, but with the same basic idea.

Good luck with those repairs...
The fuel gauge is only a simple float gauge and sometimes the float gets stuck. On my Rl the tank is easily accessible and the float is easy to reach, take the bolts out and make sure the float slides up and down easily on the pole. Heard of others who have lost the trim gauge who said it was a pretty fix but can't remember how they did it or who told me

The sending unit is brand new w a new float. If you read my first post you'll understand. It's not the sending unit, I don't believe. I'm thinking bad ground perhaps.
I'm assuming the schematic is correct in that you have a combo gauge with Trim/Fuel/Voltage? If you have the combo and the voltmeter still works, I would check the B+ connection (12V+) between the Speedo and the combo gauge. Looking at the schematic the combo gauge has two 12V+ connections to battery. One is probably intended to be a clean direct path to the battery for the volt meter and the other looks like it is shared with the Tach and Speedo. However if all three gauges in the combo gauge are not working verify the ground connection as mentioned by a couple of other members.

The top gauges on the panel, both fuel and trim aren't giving readings, and they are side by side. However the two gauges below them work fine, The Temp and Volts.