Happy Birthday to ..... CHECK IN DAILY !!!!

Jan. 10th
Allen Brazier (47)
Anthony Buccafurni (43)
Billy Keyes (82)
Kenneth (49)
medrhntr (54)
Michael Lyman (51)
strawdawgs (64)
Jan. 20th
Adair Thomas (44)
CAVU (45)
Debra Clennon (60)
GeneH (56)
jfswis (65)
John Lachmann (76)
markymark (60)
mhinnant1952 (67)
Nerius (35)
Jan. 21st
bankershrs (60)
Charles Ludwig (66)
Joe Maturano (59)
jwharan (39)
Kay Smith (61)
Lynn (62)
Remj (69)
Richard & Joanne Stone (65)
Soupy84 (84)
TN-chuck (60)
Jan. 22nd
Georgeneu (66)
KEVIN (54)
Rgwinn (61)
thurwolf (72)
Tommy Oddo (40)
Waterlady52 (67)
Jan 23rd
Cathy Crouch (61)
drrettle (65)
Kelly Thomas (41)
Shannon Lewis (70)
Tom Serrano (55)
Tommyhoward (48)
Jan. 24th
brucemorphew (53)
Bwall (57)
ClieeMuh (38)
Lotti (48)
Jan. 25th
Jason Rees (43)
Jim Cunniff (70)
Raider81mitch (36)
Jan. 26th
Bulldozer (55)
Joseph Camilleri (64)
Papa (56)
Punji1978 (62)
Ray K (69)
Timberridgemanoman (61)
Tracy Billiot (54)
Jan. 27th
brianj716 (46)
Brown Voyage (61)
Keith P (64)
Mike Willis (68)
See Sea (57)
Vega GT (46)
Vikingstaff (49)
Happy Birthdays!
Happy Birthday Vikingstaff
Happy B-Day!
Jan. 28th
Benny23 (71)
Gabrielle Liddy (49)
Vickishawn (55)
Walter (64)
Jeff, hope it was the best one yet and that you stayed in HL!
Jeff, hope it was the best one yet and that you stayed in HL!

We stayed up, and got the “School Cancelled” call Sunday night. So we are up here in the snowstorm enjoying the views on a cold and chilly Monday. We got some amazing snowmobiling in, but you have to be extra well geared for it right now.
Last edited:
Jan. 29th
DHL (72)
Farfar (70)
jdjohnson5 (63)
lgsw44mag (61)
Monkeybit Landing (54)
Royo (77)