Happy Birthday to ..... CHECK IN DAILY !!!!

May 20th
Chad George (43)
chucky_69 (45)
GRosko2 (64)
Johnny nance (55)
ms10fsu (38)
Robin S Ball (61)
Tom Stephens (44)
trdog (57)
vates (62)
May 21st
Gunny (46)
nathanb (34)
Vern Hamlin (77)
May 22nd
Alexandria Druin (30)
Bobby S. (69)
BTD (70)
Chris F (68)
David Zook (43)
Jmark (57)
Marcn22 (53)
Thomas Sayle (42)
toddryanmartin (41)
May 23rd

Bob S (58)
Firecracker 23 (61)
M Butler (40)
Robert Hilger (60)
Smish (58)
SurfOH2O (41)
TAC (49)
vardog (49)
May 24th
02ram4x4 (38)
ChapinTiger12 (40)
Jim Fromtex (75)
Kyle Bushman (36)
Matt Anderson (43)
Pointer (78)
sdoc (71)
Toon guy (55)
Wade Wells (36)
Last edited:
May 25th
Brad65 (54)
Cihowe (65)
cwulf (39)
murraydog (71)
Ryan an Jeffrey Knott (24)
Scyrulewski (49)
May 26th
Brimick (53)
EBJ (62)
Ed&Marilyn (75)
Fixer (79)
Fletcher Dawson (59)
Greg Berheisel (55)
MAT (65)
May 28th
Bill n Lyn (59)
Blinq (60)
DonLKN (72)
golforsnow (57)
HuskerMasch (36)
JimSlattery (66)
Landscaper2009 (49)
mtudb24 (48)
Surfer (63)
Thanks guys. You're killing me. I am so old. I so wish I had more time to be on this forum and help the crew and and newbies out. Still loving the Bennington. She's a great boat. Might be time for an upgrade, but I'm not looking at any other brand.
Miss you all very much
May 29th
Amber Thompson (39)
Bubber (71)
Cheryl Hauser (70)
Christopher falbo (46)
Cynthia Cappello (64)
Delta Port (63)
Ed Perlman (79)
John Schiller (66)
Mojito Girl (49)
May 29th
Daniel Logan (56)
Hang5 (67)
Rondo (65)
scubadad (51)
May 30th
babyboater (65)
Fred&Vickie (67)
Havasu (58)
Jjanger (54)
Mark Bardes (58)
Stuart DeSpain (55)
Tim Briggs (64)
May 31st
Chris poole (49)
Lynda Swaney (60)
Toddk9 (48)
June 1st
802 Hayden (53)
afgreg (57)
Andy Lundsburg (40)
Blade runner (53)
bwallace2000 (58)
DJW (55)
Eberski (49)
Gary McClean (69)
Godaddio (53)
JimPa (59)
Marion Schenkel (90)
Mike Bjelde (45)
repuinfo (51)
Steven Smith (57)
SteveNJ (42)
TableRockBennington (58)
thompsonwb (43)
Tim Anderson (48)
June 2nd
Bruce Isbell (66)
Chris Deel (47)
JWC (47)
lovemyboat (52)
Peter Gioiello (59)
Steve Schierholt (60)
Teleguy (64)
June 3rd
Alan & Jo-Ann Bresowar (80)
Amy Griffin (55)
baxter3 (43)
Brian E Troyer (47)
David Eppes (62)
dkdaws (54)
Dustin (37)
Joseph Massarelli (55)
Marcinmurray (60)
Pickex (66)
Ryan J (42)
Yotesmc (38)
June 4th
ajaelo (40)
Bob Strobl (56)
Cindy Vaughn (56)
David Brande (48)
Dustin Young (35)
Frederick R. Martin (68)
Jay V (54)
Joel Petersen (43)
Landon (48)
Murrman (65)
Shalpass (44)
Tamers64 (55)
June 5th
Brenda Z (50)
Castleman22 (72)
David Nelson (60)
Eric Turner (39)
JDB (54)
Kathleen M McInerny (74)
Party Marty (63)
RL210 (50)
Rosie Ginoris (50)
June 6th
Bill Kucharek (58)
Bill Rissman (63)
Jerry Hetland (72)
jgraves (59)
Joanne Austin (64)
Joe Sers (66)
K2150 (67)
Ksharp99 (59)
matthew Pulliam (52)
PattyB647 (72)
Randy Czajka (48)
Rooster (71)
TNRon (72)
Tom Traver (53)
zoom1487 (63)
June 7th
BenningtonBob (53)
Dave LaMonica (51)
FarmBoy (41)
jowiwlu15 (63)
John Roelofs (33)
john sobczyk (69)
Louise Coakley (51)
rgtopda (58)
Sean Sweeney (74)
Tyler Isaacson (47)
VytaminK22 (31)