Happy Birthday to ..... CHECK IN DAILY !!!!

Happy Birthday all!
Is that the biggest birthday group of the year?
Valentines day was 9 months ago....Something tells me we are getting into birthday season!
Nov 18th

DOCZ (70)
Nov. 19th

DH1950TN (65)
Nov 20th

Hutch949 (53)

dasalmon (72)

abypfcs (70)
Happy Birthday 
Happy Birthdays!
Happy birthday guys!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthdays!
Nov. 23rd

Johnnyocean (59)
Last edited by a moderator:
Nov 25th

DDriller (62)
Nov 26th

Becca & Rod (20)

LorenMN (45)
Nov. 27th

Hinklecrew (44)

toohyped (43)
Last edited by a moderator:
Nov. 28th

Nov. 29th

Archerusa (44)

RReaume (43)

mbhenry1955 (60)
Happy belated birthdays guys! Turkey and cake all in the same week.....ouch!