How do I tell someone not to smoke on the boat nicely?

What was he thinking? I stated much above but, My question is what kind of friends do you have? This guy must be like the BULLY type. "I CAN DO ANYTHING I WANT. MY PROPERTY OR YOURS.

This is not a friend and if I knew him it wouldn't be for long. You can be a rude as you want to him. Hurting his feelings, I don't think a guy like this has any. He's rude to you and your property. Another ride "NOPE", stop by the house "NOPE", see you again soon "NOPE".

Your new to the forum You'll get lots of advise. You'll have lots of friends here, some you'll never meet, One thing we all do is respect our belongings, and hopefully the belongings of our "FRIENDS"

dump this A-- H---.
wow , some harsh comments. if u don't want someone to smoke on your boat that's your business. but some of the comments like I don't like smokers?? what does smoking have to do with the personality of a person. comments like that is whats wrong with this country now. if u don't believe or think like I do than your screwed up or prejudice or ignorant, etc. set your boat rules, that's great... but like I was brought up. until you walk a mile in my moccasins, well,,,,u get it. then again I didn't vote for Obama either. and lets all pray Hillary doesn't get to office. lets get back to a country where u put in a good day of work, then go home to your family and live your life the way you see fit.. get rid of 70% of entitlements because they don't deserve it. and don't tell me I owe you because I,m from the south and fly a rebel flag,, which obviously means I owned slaves. lol. whats happened to this country. I,m sure glad they banned dukes of hazard. really!!! guess I got off on a rant. must have been too many beers and cigs. have a safe boating yr to all!
I must have missed the personal attacks in the earlier posts. Anyway, you have a right to smoke, I have a right not to have it occur on my boat where I have to breathe it in, possibly burn my seats etc. It's the old where do your rights end and mine begin which society has definitely changed in this regard. I think if you are on a boat of a non smoker and light up without asking, that is rude. A think a good ol boy like yourself would agree it is best to ask first.

Dukes of hazard is banned? Wtf!
I don't have to ask anyone not to smoke on my boat.  I don't have a single friend that's a smoker, and simply refuse to be in the presence of a cigarette.  Some chemical in cigarettes gives me a headache even before I smell it.

My mother was an addict, and my father in law died in his early 60's from lung cancer. 
Bump for more post....
Hi, I'm (enter your name here). I am the Captain and owner of this vessel. I realize you are unaware, but, could you nicely smoke away from my boat? Preferably up wind. Thank you. OR you could name your boat No Smoking. Then announce to every one...WELCOME ABOARD NO SMOKING!