I guess we'll see


Just some guy
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Dauphin, Manitoba
Sorry I haven't been around for a while. Lots of things happening, and none of it good! I got "bumped" from my job by someone who has more seniority than me because they eliminated his position. Unfortunately, I was the lowest courier on the list, so I got bumped back down to working nights sorting freight. This also means that I will get about 1/3 pay cut, which absolutely sucks, but isn't the worst. For me the worst is losing my route. I had so many great customers on my run, people that I've become friends with after 5 years of seeing many of them most days. It's a tough pill to swallow. It completely destroys you when you finally find something that you are good at and LOVE doing, and they take it away. In the past 5 years, I have never once woke up and thought, "Man I don't want to go to work today" Not once. I love doing it, I actually probably get happier as the day goes on. So, I guess we'll see what happens. I'm hoping that I can figure out a way to keep the boat, but not too sure at the moment. Just wanted to keep my "Boat Family" in the loop.
Maybe your route can complain and get homeboy out of there. That just sucks. Have the wife work some overtime!
Sorry to hear that Derrick, sucks, but sometimes it seems really bad but then all works out to be better than ever. Happened to my wife and I once, she was cut from her job and at a really bad time. Turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
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That sucks!! Keep the the faith though. Been there and done that too.  It can be amazing how things work out.
Hang in there... where one door closes another one opens. Keeping you and your family in our prayers.
Maybe your route can complain and get homeboy out of there. That just sucks. Have the wife work some overtime!
Actually a bunch of them went onto Purolator's Facebook page and complained about it! I don't fault him though, it was either he was out of a job or I was. I blame the company for making a silly business decision that will result in loss of business and service.

Hang in there... where one door closes another one opens. Keeping you and your family in our prayers.
Thanks, I am at least thankful that I still have a job, unfortunately, now it is just a job, not something I love doing. Very few people get the opportunity to do something they love and get paid to do it. I feel bad for the person I then ultimately bumped because he is now out of a job. That's the other scary thing, now I'm the low man on the pole, so if something else big changes, I'm on skid row! Haha
Wow, sorry to hear that but perhaps as others have said, something better may be around the corner for you at some point. I've had some deep lows but somehow always landed on my feet. Hoping for the best for you too.
Sorry about your new position!  Keep the faith.  Good luck sometimes comes in, "ugly" at first.
Keep the chin up Derrick!   Good luck finds good people :)
Derrick, I am sorry to hear about your situation. I am hoping the tide changes for the better very soon for you. Maybe it's time to head south of the border to find a better job and a boating season that lasts more than a day or two.
Come on down Derrick, we'll find you a job and we have a place you can keep the boat.            :D
Sorry to hear this Derrick. Something good will come of this though. You are a good, honest, helpful guy and you'll "stick the landing".
That sucks. x2 on heading south for  boating more than a month out of the year! :)
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Keep your chin up Derrick. Good things come to those who wait.
Best of Luck Bulldog
You got cut back. I got cut completely OUT about 15 years ago from a job that I had for 14.5 years. I thought the end had come. It was the best thing that's every happened. I have a much better job now.

Sorry, that's it's a bad time for your now, but keep the spirits up. When one door closes, another one opens.
Hang in there!

Just a few hours south of you here in ND there are jobs galore in any line of work you would want and better pay than most areas of the country, Fast food workers get 500-1500 sign on bonuses and 15+ bucks an hour here, many stores ae closing down and or closed several days a week due to worker shortages. We have a longer boating season than you by 2-3 months and we have the 3rd largest man made lake in North America, many many lakes and rivers.

I have worked with many people and have a co-worker now who are from Canada and keep dual citizenship so they can collect retirement from both countries when the time comes. I do not know how this works but they got the systems figured out.
That is from the gas boom right? I'd imagine with all the workers moving there with their families they need services, retail stores etc.
So sorry to hear that Bulldog. I fear the same is coming my way. The company that bought our close nit division has taken us from #1 to the bottom in less than 2 years.

Many are running but I'm stuck as I need the life and disability insurance. 2x cancer patient and 2 kids.

It has definitely wore on my mental side. Don't let that happen to you. Keep that positive and cheery bulldog spirit.
You'll look back on this and laugh one day..........