Ice is taking over...........


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North Carolina
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I saw something similar last year on the news.The ice knocked the house off the foundation .
I think Derrick posted something similar where that happened in his neck of the woods. Crazy for sure. I'd be swinging a sledge hammer around instead of just watching it crash into my house.
I think Derrick posted something similar where that happened in his neck of the woods. Crazy for sure. I'd be swinging a sledge hammer around instead of just watching it crash into my house.
Andy you are right ,That was Derrick last year that posted it ,I knew I saw it some where .
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I think it's odd they said "it's only damaged doors & windows" ....... wait till that pile that pushed into the living room melts ..... and really, for them to use the word 'Tsunami" to describe it is pretty assinine.

This does not even come close to the terror or destruction a tsunami creates..........

Other than that, looks like a pretty wild & scary situation.
Your right Tsunami isn't the right word, but that's the news for you. I have personally gone up there and seen these right after they have happend, it is pretty amazing to see.
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