If anyone needs a side job

Jack M

Reaction score
Indian River ,Michigan

I'm sure nothing but the freshest highest quality tube steak is served on that boat! And Jack, I offer conversion packages if you're considering this as a side job. Just send me your boat and $10,000 and I'll send you back a boat like that.
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Yeah, not sure if I'd eat Sushi off this thing. Bad enough I eat it at the Chinese restaurant .......  ;)
I'm sure nothing but the freshest highest quality tube steak is served on that boat! And Jack, I offer conversion packages if you're considering this as a side job. Just send me your boat and $10,000 and I'll send you back a boat like that.
No Thanks ,Andy .

I retired almost 8 years ago and have no intentions of going back .I want every penny of that SS I paid into for 41 years .
Enjoy it as I'm sure the system will be broke before I see a dime of what I paid in come retirement.
Must be a popular job .


          What is important is the entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well in America 

When family and friends come to our Lake House, Boat all day long, eat a great dinner 

Watch an amazing sunset while cruising on Benny 

We Charge Each and Every One of Them 

Without them even knowing

One Smile !!

To us their SMILE is priceless   :)  
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