Its here

Very nice looking toon. We ordered ours at Lookout Marine in Somerset KY and were completely unaware of the dealer in Campbellsville and it's much closer to our house. Performance Marine needs to advertise more, I've since heard that they're pretty competitive on their pricing. Do you boat on Green River? 

i will check with them as well. Their website is almost non-existent.  
i will check with them as well. Their website is almost non-existent.  


He is a small dealer , the owner mostly run the hole place.

He is a small dealer , the owner mostly run the hole place.

He is calling me Monday.  He answered my email on a Saturday evening.  Impressive.
On the way to pick it this morning. 
Going to be a great day!!
Going to be a great summer
RenderedContent-881AEC1B-AD4D-4093-BAE3-DC6E02789837.JPG  Hi I don't have any hosted now can't post very many.

We had a good day and put about 3.5 hours on the new boat it run great. With about 600 lbs and 3/4 tank of fuel we were at 6000 rpm's and 32 mph. The prop is a solas stainless 15 1/4" x 15 pitch. The motor rpm spec. Is 5300 to 6300 so I think the prop may be about right.
Sharp looking boat! I love the big front chairs
Looks good.  Great looking 'toon.   Well done.
Ok let's try a couple of pictures.
Didn't work try later.