Keeping the Toons Looking Great

@lakeliving at this point your just going to have to drive over and see them yourself, lol!

I wonder if there is some formatting settings you have setup on your account, or browsers? If formatting is removed, it will remove those pictures.

I just might! It's not a far drive...
Its a lot of work, but looks awesome ! Great Job!!
I can see them in the link now. Looks good!
The link worked for me too!  Awesome looking. Pretty cold work seeing all that white stuff on top of the pontoon. 
So what I take away from this is one will get the best results if they do it horrible weather...?!?!?!? I think you just took a painful job and made it even worse!!!! But, I must say, they do look phenomenal. looks just like the local shop here in Iowa City that does this for a living. (they do big rig chrome mostly.) 
I couldn't see them either on my iPad. While I use Chrome on my non Apple 'puters, I didn't try to see them there. But now, with the link to your album, I see them. Holy cow! They are about the shiniest aluminum thingies I've ever seen. Looks really strange with the snow on top of the boat. Man, them toons be sparkly!!!
I always said it wasn't important enough for me to put that much effort into polishing the toons, that I would rather be enjoying my boat but I have to admit, my friend had the marina do his and they looked fantastic.  I was also amazed at how well they held up throughout the summer.  He did put more effort than me into keeping them that way but they still looked pretty good at the end of the summer
Brand new to this forum, just purchased a 2013 20SL from the original owner last I want to clean up the logs and was considering using JJV's Best ALU100-Q Aluminum Pontoon Cleaner to do the job.


Brand new to this forum, just purchased a 2013 20SL from the original owner last I want to clean up the logs and was considering using JJV's Best ALU100-Q Aluminum Pontoon Cleaner to do the job.



On a recent search at a marine dealer for in stock Sharkhide (they didn't stock nor use SH) the sales guy said the JJV product is all they routinely use. He said JJV is especially good for mild cleaning. (They also sold gallons of "Zing" which he said is a stronger acid wash but leaves the toons whiter).

We first asked the place we purchased our boat from if they had any in stock SH but they also don't use/recommend SH. Their shop exclusively uses that Zing. (And according to him we were the only folks who insisted on SH with our build in 2014. Don't get why dealers aren't on board or believe in SH, except, as others on this forum have queried, maybe they make their money Zinging!?)
Zing is a waste of time except to clean some MILD stuff off the toons.  It doesn't do anything for protecting them. Get Sharkhide...period.
Zing is a waste of time except to clean some MILD stuff off the toons.  It doesn't do anything for protecting them. Get Sharkhide...period.

Yes, that's what we decided too. In our case, because the toons are still in good shape, we don't need any JJV or Zing I don't think. It'll just be a re-coat of Sharkhide. For FAAbaddog may it'll depend on how his looks, right? (since he isn't buying new?) Hopefully someone else will be able to answer that for him.
here is a picture of my logs....

do they look that bad to ya'll considering salt water usage the last two years by original owners???

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the cleaners do not polish your aluminum... it will make your pontoons a whiteish color.  Sharkhide protects AFTER you polish... if you are just going to use the cleaner/brightener then you should search for pics online so you know what is going to happen.  I don't think it's cosmetically appealing.

This is my pontoons after acid wash. Not my preferred look but that is a different story.  If all you do is acid wash, that link will show you what it will look like. There is Sharkhide on there too, but that really doesn't change what the acid wash will do. Only way to reverse what the acid wash does is to polish and as others will tell you,  is not exactly fun. 
Zing is a waste of time except to clean some MILD stuff off the toons.  It doesn't do anything for protecting them. Get Sharkhide...period.

FAAbaddog: Sharkhide works IF store boat on LIFT or TRAILER. It doesn't maintain itself if stored in the water. PER CLINT at SHARKHIDE. (just got off phone with him!)
OK, thanks so much for the insight and tips on log cleaners...the 20SL has been used in the salt waters of Gulf Shores, AL for two + years now...and will continue to be used by me now on the bay/Inter-coastal waters off of Pensacola Beach, FL where it will be trailered in my 1st tier house driveway...

Any particular advice regarding operating my 20SL in those conditions that ya'll could share?

Thanks in advance!
I didn't order it from the factory with it. I have a 2016 20SL with 25" toons will one quart be enough? Will it matter that I cant get the underside of the toons as it will be sitting on the trailer?