Now them's going to be some WAVES!


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These won't be swells. These are forecast to be tight frequency spikers. I'm going to go down to the lake tonight and watch the waves crash on the breakwalls. From my car. Boat is safely tucked away. I'll post pictures.

Sustained 40 knot winds with gusts to 45. Out of the north, on a lake that is over 300 miles long from the north to the south. That's a lot of fetch. I think 10-14 may be wishful thinking. Probably going to top that number with quite a few of them.

That would be "rough" water!!!!! Share some photos if you make it down there.
I took these a few years ago on Little Traverse Bay in Petoskey .

Jack, that is part of Lake Michigan and not Crooked Lake where you boat correct?  I am on a 29 mile long lake and we can get some whitecaps but they are a lot smaller than what I see in your pictures
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They should make the connection. That would be really nice.
Thanks for the map, looks nice
I see it!  One of the boats is not docked but I recognize your red mooring cover.  Do the covered slips have lifts?  What is the cost difference between covered & uncivered
No lifts ,covered are $1000.00 more per  season .Mine will not fit in a covered slip because of the arch 
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Jack, if you had it to do over again; would you buy the arch?
Probably yes . We really like the looks . That being said the extra weight does limit our speed ,which is no big deal .

We have never used the Bimini in either of our Benningtons .

If we could get this in a R . My wife would have pads .

Nothing wrong with the Q just dont want to give up the  space you loose .
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That Red Q23 is the one we saw at a local Marina.  It had a 350 on it but not many other options.  at $78k I did have instant PADS, thank God it slightly exceeded our association dock length
I don't think the front fender on that Q is doing a whole lot of good ????
I was thinking the same thing Semp.......
I see there is a toon in the back ground on sea legs as well.
I noticed that as well Lakeliving. I guess the Benningtons get the dock space and the competitors are just left out in the bay
To me it looks like an S model ,angled gate starboard side 
I noticed the guy with one leg...