Now them's going to be some WAVES!

I was out duck hunting in Saginaw bay both the weekend of Oct 25 and Nov 1st.  Holy ballz was the bay angry those 2 weekends.  Nothing like leading a bird over 6-7 feet in front of them when they are only 20 yards in front of you.  We had a couple that landed in decoys and I swear I was leading them over 5 feet and barely knocking them down in the ass... Crazy stuff. But our Lund Center Console performed like a trooper in that weather.  Yes, I had to run the bildge pump everytime we went out to pick up ducks (waves over the bow), but I never felt out of control or in danger during the squall

Other guy, the one with the man purse.
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I see two shadows on the boat. Either a second leg or his zipper is down. But then again the purse so who knows.
You can tell all our boats are out of the water when we debate peg leg for a couple of days :p
We do get pretty squirrely when the boats get put away!
I think it's a man carrying one of those bags that holds 4 life preservers or a spare wooden leg 
Looks like he has two legs in reflection on the boat. That's a big man purse !!!
Hey, you guys don't get out much do you?