oem pop up changeing rooms

where can i get an oem pop up change room for sun bench

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John Nold

New Member
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does anyone know where i can obtain an oem pop up change room for the sun bench on a fs2275 tritoon? The generic ones look frail and inadequate.
I took mine out for additional storage since we'll never use it! Wanna buy it?
I took mine out for additional storage since we'll never use it! Wanna buy it?

I see in your signature that you have a 25QSB. Does it attach/go under the rear swing back lounger?

We have a 2017 SSBXP. I wonder if the dimensions are the same for the changing room IF it goes under the rear swingback lounge? If so, we do not have one, but I might be interested in buying yours.
I see in your signature that you have a 25QSB. Does it attach/go under the rear swing back lounger?

We have a 2017 SSBXP. I wonder if the dimensions are the same for the changing room IF it goes under the rear swingback lounge? If so, we do not have one, but I might be interested in buying yours.
It does attach under the rear facing portion of the lounger. That seat flips up to reveal the changing room.
Why does anyone need one of these...? Ever?

We placed a full size commode in ours and use Sanibags which turns waste to gel in seconds, considered green it can then be dropped in the dumpster. Don't use it that often as we have a house on the lake but our lake is 29 miles long and when far away and especially in early spring or late fall we are sooo glad we have it
For my 3 year old we have a 5 gallon bucket and a little kids toilet seat thing. He isn't shy when he has to go!
Or the water temps so low it’s not lucrative to get in .... or your wife says so .... ;)
Me too, primarily because we needed the storage

One of the reasons we choose the RL is because there is so much storage both under the seats and the larger room where my Privacy curtain is. In addition to the full size commode we also store a small rubermaid ladder in there as well and there is still room for other items if needed. I carry a dozen life vests under the seats, extra ropes and an additional 3 large fenders as we like to raft up with friends
We love our changing room on our 2577 RFi. We too put a porta potty in it, and have lots of space left over for other storage. Also, the ladies like to change into drier/fancier clothes when we go to the restauants/bars on the lake in the evening. (Not to mention the other reasons stated above.) My wife would not have a boat without one, along with the freshwater wash-down sprayer and separate sink. They all get plenty of use......sometimes it a long ride back to a rest room.
We use the porta potty in our changing room a lot. It was one of my wife's "must haves" and if we ever get a newer model we'll have to get a similar setup.
A must have per my wife...but I’m the only one that has ever used it...we do have gators in central FL. :)