Polished Toons

I'm still jealous.  I have the tools, but after hearing how much pain is involved with the work, both during, and the after effects, I'm still procrastinating.  ...but just looking at those is an inspiration.   I wish it wasn't close to 100 degrees here...but then again, what's good procrastination without better excuses? :)  
I tried going without Sharkhide and the toons were hazy after just a few hours in the water. Didn't matter that I wiped them down as soon as it was back on the trailer, the only thing that brought them back to full shine was another round of Gord's.  Applying Sharkhide was a compromise, I lost the "just polished" mirror finish but it also saved me from becoming a slave to it.
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Landscaper: how much time would you estimate that one has to dedicate to maintaining the polished toons? 

Example each time you pull out do you have to wipe them down? And if so how long do you spend? 
He did tell me as long as I am consistent about wiping down (which I am) I should easily get 4+ years

I  certainly hole your shine lasts.  My boat was built 5/31 and it went directly into a dark warehouse.  When I bought it 7/7, it has already started to tarnish.  I just polish mine 1x per year with metal polish and a wool bonnet on a Porter Cable dual action polisher.  It takes me maybe 90 minutes to do it.  High speed polisher and rouge can scratch and they're hard work.
I met a fellow Benny owner at the sandbar last weekend who owns a 2012 with toons that you could use for a mirror. He indicated that his secret was Mothers Aluminum Polish. He said the first time was the worst but after that, each season he gets them shined up in about three hours. He did indicate, as others have said on this forum, it's a lot of work but the results were amazing.

I asked him if he used Sharkhide and he said he had never heard of it but if it saved him from polishing every year, it would be worth it. 
Update...The toons are still polished. However, I have noticed some tarnish and water spots that will not come off. I am going to have them re-polished (Easier this time as they are not bad) and add ceramic finish. This should hold the look for at least two years with minimal maintenance. I will keep you updated.
 Hey I hope I'm not jumping to conclusions and I hope that maybe you just didn't see my post asking for more information about how much maintenance is involved after your tunes are polished but from what I've noticed, and again I hope I'm not jumping to conclusions is most people didn't get their toons polished  seem to have some sort of   Regret in the form that they didn't know or count on how much  maintenance is required.  I don't mind maintaining my boat I just wanted to have an idea from an actual person how much time is required. If someone like yourself with real-time experience could report back I think it would help a lot of users know what they're getting into thank you
I'm still procrastinating, but will polish my toons by the end of August.  (Now I have a deadline, so I'll be sure to get it done.)

Question:  I don't have a way to get my boat off the trailer to get the full pontoon polished.  For those who've polished their own toons, are they polished all around or just down to the trailer bunks?  For those with tritoons, did you polish the full center toon or just the nose cones?  
 For those who've polished their own toons, are they polished all around or just down to the trailer bunks? 

Just down to the bunks. It's a waste of time trying to lift the boat and polish the bunk area. Besides the fact that nobody will ever see it, the Sharkhide (if applied) will wear off within a few load/unloads and the toons will tarnish where the bunks are anyway.
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 Hey I hope I'm not jumping to conclusions and I hope that maybe you just didn't see my post asking for more information about how much maintenance is involved after your tunes are polished but from what I've noticed, and again I hope I'm not jumping to conclusions is most people didn't get their toons polished  seem to have some sort of   Regret in the form that they didn't know or count on how much  maintenance is required.  I don't mind maintaining my boat I just wanted to have an idea from an actual person how much time is required. If someone like yourself with real-time experience could report back I think it would help a lot of users know what they're getting into thank you

Sorry, Have been busy with work and trips to the lake. It is a little work to upkeep. I will be repolishing and adding ceramic coating to see if that keeps the maintenance to a minimum. Personally I don't mind the upkeep for the look I get from them being polished.
I'm still procrastinating, but will polish my toons by the end of August.  (Now I have a deadline, so I'll be sure to get it done.)

Question:  I don't have a way to get my boat off the trailer to get the full pontoon polished.  For those who've polished their own toons, are they polished all around or just down to the trailer bunks?  For those with tritoons, did you polish the full center toon or just the nose cones?  

Mine are down to the bunks and nose cones on the inside and center.
How much of the rear toons did you polish?  Do you have any images of the rear?
How much of the rear toons did you polish?  Do you have any images of the rear?

I only have these however, I have the guy here today repolishing and I will get more pics when done. I am going to the first weld from the back on the center toon as well as the nose cone./monthly_2017_08/large.Capture15.JPG.3d02c12b27c2e37324c05dffa7c1d98e.JPG/monthly_2017_08/large.Capture16.JPG.8fcd210cb59cba04870202a0a11635a0.JPG/monthly_2017_08/large.FB_IMG_1498509845789.jpg.88e851694d2749655c4a867d3fcddab4.jpg/monthly_2017_08/large.20170630_055419.jpg.c5754c7130fd8994a94f0fbeb83244b1.jpg/monthly_2017_08/large.20170629_134044.jpg.da77bcf43c55a65d2116a07d5c3935a6.jpg/monthly_2017_08/large.20170630_055417.jpg.791e7efb5c4c4138b497ac0b58ffa6ea.jpg
Landscaper, great looking boat. Can you use the hot sauce on the painted aluminum fencing? Looks like great stuff, but I heard only use on fiberglass gel coat. 
Landscaper, great looking boat. Can you use the hot sauce on the painted aluminum fencing? Looks like great stuff, but I heard only use on fiberglass gel coat. 

Jenks, I have been using the Hot Sauce on the panels, fencing, motor and stainless rub rail since I bought it two years ago. I wouldn't use anything else. I absolutely love the product. I have confirmed with the Boat Bling Rep. I always get people saying "oh new boat" or "first trip out"? I just tell them nope...I am just OCD about wiping down after every trip. If you are a guest on the boat you get a spray bottle and a micro fiber cloth at the end of the day. If you don't stick around to help...you probably wont get another invite.