Poor customer support

Agreed Carl
...drive my own trailer, really? That would be more the the cost! My time is $$$...
Your initial post indicated (at least to me) that time was of the essence. You also indicated direct shipping was way too expensive. I wasn't telling you what to do, I was offering you a thought to consider.

Then in your next post comes the "really" comment above (which some might consider insulting but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt) and you indicate your time is worth too much. If that's the case, why not just pony up for the shipping and be done with it???

For as big of a deal as this seems to be to you, I'm surprised all you've done is sent one email...

Then, TB steps up. Right on cue. I'm guessing there's about a thousand forum members who would have bet money on him doing that, as he's done it dozens of times in the past. Lots of the guys here, including myself on a minor item, have had direct contact with the factory, and we KNOW with certainly nothing was done intentionally by the factory IF they happened to drop the ball (which is why people would normally try to follow up, just in case).

Anyway, I don't know about the rest of the guys, but I'm starting to get a sense as to what the real problem is here...
Just a FYI .......... TB's not a "he" ......... :D
TB has and does help us - but we do need to ask for the help. Please keep us posted on the progress of your shipping delima and how it is resolved.

TB never did receive a message from Lpabor so we could step in to help. Will assume the issue resolved through the dealer.
TB - Thanks for following up here. I must say I'm not surprised by your answer, but it is good to put this one to bed and let this thread fade into the depths of the forum. We'll never hear from him again. Swooped in, crapped on the forum, and took off.