Post Whoring


Reaction score
On my way to Commodore..... this is #70.

That is all. Move along; there's nothing to see here....... I am shameless. ;)
I read this post and thought about how funny (and mean) it would be to do the "+1" posts enough times to beat ya there. :D

It would only take 58 times.
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Ooooh, that would be mean! Let's not let this get out of hand. Besides,i'm not sharp enough to think of stuff like that!
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Well, you notice I just stated it and didn't do it. :lol:
Help me out here? How does it work? How many posts do I need to move up and what are the levels?
So this counts as a post for me too then right?
pcvaughn and Nielsen's:

Just become frequent posters and you will move up quickly for a while. I think I have been stuck here for nearly 50 posts. Trying to make the next level by helping you guys out. LOL
Who wants to be an Admiral? They command Desks.

Captains command ships.

Heck, I was a doggone GRUNT and I know THAT much. :D
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All of you are shameless.......whoops me too.
3 more to Commodore
2 more
1 more
Couldn't help myself :p
So funny and so appropriate to put it here. LOL
why do i get the feeling we would all be the guys at the bar doing shots together and keep ordering "one more" and then "one more" haha
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why do i get the feeling we would all be the guys at the bar doing shots together and keep ordering "one more" and then "one more" haha
Consider me in and the first round is mine.