Slip cost.....

We paid $900 a year for ours here in northern Michigan, a basic u-shaped arrangement which worked quite well for us.


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$2,015 a year for a covered slip with a small deck to set our patio table on. That also includes water, electric along with a fenced area to store my trailer. I bought my own lift.
Wow, that's a great deal. We don't use water or electric but I do know that electric is not included in our $453 per month.
Pretty amazing what some are having to pay. More amazing is the variation in rates from around the country.
I somehow to seem to be the winner, (or loser ) for who pays the most.

I hardly ever use the water, but it is nice when you want to rinse off the boat, and the only electric I use is to plug in the lift and vac out the boat.
Yes, I agree. I use the water for rinsing the boat. For some reason I was thinking the water reference was regarding pump outs for boats with heads.
Until we moved. I was at 2K ,no cover no water no electricity. In the past Michigan had the highest number of registered boats. Cali surpassed us now . I believe it's about demand and who is willing to pay . There is now a waiting list at our old marina , and I'd bet it's over 2K now .
Down here in the West side of S. Florida, I think you would be very lucky to find a slip for less than $400 a month --$4,800 a year. Of course if it's way up a river from intracoastal or gulf, its way cheaper, but then you will be eaten up in fuel and time costs.
I pay $240/month for an inland RV storage unit - locked, covered, gated, with electricity. Not much different from the slips y'all are talking about. Plus there's the cost of trailering to/from the water. The advantage is that I can choose a variety of lakes or coastal venues, and can work on (play with) the boat whenever I feel like bringing it 3 miles home to the driveway.

The obvious disadvantage besides travel time is the launch/recovery and staging time. That hits really hard after a long day on the water when it would be nice to just put the boat back in a slip and drive home.

We are 1 hour from the nearest water, so everybody gets to sleep on the way home except me!
Wow, that's a great deal. We don't use water or electric but I do know that electric is not included in our $453 per month.
What lake are you on that it costs $453 a month? I have a slip on Norris lake that costs $210 a month, includes water and electric.
What lake are you on that it costs $453 a month? I have a slip on Norris lake that costs $210 a month, includes water and electric.
Fort Loudon Lake at Concord Marina. We do have a 40' x 20' slip though which is overkill for our boat but I like extra protection of having that much roof overhead. The width also allowed us to install a jet ski port.
After hearing what members on this forum across the country pay to keep their prized possession on the water or on a lift I have been truly fortunate and lucky to have kept our boat across the street from our house in a neighbors slip for a whopping $50 a month for 5 years! After that neighbor sold the lot we kept it at a friend's house 10 mins away on her lift and she didn't want any money! (Multi Millionaire) Unfortunately she passed. Back to square 1.....
After hearing what members on this forum across the country pay to keep their prized possession on the water or on a lift I have been truly fortunate and lucky to have kept our boat across the street from our house in a neighbors slip for a whopping $50 a month for 5 years! After that neighbor sold the lot we kept it at a friend's house 10 mins away on her lift and she didn't want any money! (Multi Millionaire) Unfortunately she passed. Back to square 1.....
Ya'll ultimately pass on the slip out past the Point ?
Ya'll ultimately pass on the slip out past the Point ?
Yes. It was really small, really old, some of the boards felt like it could cave in at any moment and the ultimate reason......My wife didn't like it! Ha!
Yes. It was really small, really old, some of the boards felt like it could cave in at any moment and the ultimate reason......My wife didn't like it! Ha!
Obviously the slip wasn’t “really “ at The Point. A dock like that would get some kicked out.
Obviously the slip wasn’t “really “ at The Point. A dock like that would get some kicked out.
You're right! It was through the Point on Tuskarora Trail. We kept our boat on Kent Ct. last year. One cove away from Cocktail Cove.
Slip update! Got some good news from the Executor of the estate of our friend that passed away last summer. The Estate is tied up in litigation because our friends daughter is contesting the will that she was removed from by her Mother. They granted my request to continue using the slip/lift/dock until the litigation has been settled and the house is put up for sale. They say that it may take up to 2 years to clear.....