Spark plugs


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Michigan Center, MI
Just curious how often (if at all) people are changing their spark plugs specifically on those of you who have I/O's?  It's a car engine so obviously they don't need to be changed very often.  My boat is a 2005 so I was contemplating doing it as I have only owned the boat for 3 years however the engine idles smoothly so I really don't have an actual indication for changing the spark plugs.

I called the dealership and the ones for my engine actually say Volvo Penta right on the plugs.  He said they're basically A/C's (which is what I figured given the engine is basically a 350 Chevy with Volvo's marine stuff on it) and run a whopping $52.58 for a set of 4 plugs so double that since it's a V-8.  Ouch.
I'm not a mechanic, but if it's running fine I'd probably leave them. For ones that are easy to access I'd just pull them to see how they look. Lots of online stuff out there on reading spark plugs, but they should at least be fairly consistent across the cylinders.
I got the plugs for my Honda on Amazon since they were iridium and not cheap, about $36.00 for 4 of them. The ones I took out after 7 years didn't look any different than the new ones.
And that guy IS a mechanic, a lot smarter than me!
If it ain't broke............................ :D
Yeah I hear ya guys....that's what I'm thinking as well...especially with the price.  The engine purs like a kitten at idle and smooth as silk at any speed so I guess it's stupid to mess with it.  I just like tinkering with stuff like this.
Keith..........our marina mechanic told me unless my I/O is missing, idling really rough or running like S---............the plugs don't have to be changed.

I did have them changed 2 seasons ago and Carl is right about those Iridium plugs..............E X P E N S I VE !!!!!!!!! $115 for 6 plugs. That's right........ $115!!!!!!! 
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Carl or Daril please educate me; what is the benefit of Iridium plugs.

And why is Carl paying $9/plug and Daril is paying $19, is the price based on how good looking you are?
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Those were the plugs that were in my Honda. I just googled the part number and found the cheapest vendor. I think Daril just paid the marina price.
My dealer put new plugs in each year coming out of storage. I can't image that new plugs are needed nor recommended once a year when all the usage amounts to a 100 hours a year?

I also was just charged $160. for new battery wires plus $55. labor for the install, $215. for battery cables?

Thoughts? Maybe I need to go back to work as a marine mechanic!

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Maybe you should start doing this stuff yourself. Seems like a lot for battery cables.
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Wow, just looked up the part number for the cables and yes they are $160. for cables. I would think that our selling dealer would consider some discount, I can find the cables online for $120. to $130. and they still get their full bore labor charge.

So much for that thought...

Mower = $

Car. = $$

Boat. = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Mower = $

Car. = $$

Boat. = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Wife = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$