Stern Lounge Upgrade After Build

Michael Joseph

Well-Known Member
Reaction score
Lake Lure, NC
Has anyone had their dealer install a stern lounge upgrade on a 22GCW, or similair model, after the boat already arrived at the dealer? I bought a 22GCW from dealer inventory and I’m hoping I can add the stern lounge upgrade at a reasonable price. They are checking with Bennington but no response back yet. It just makes the boat look finished and adds some seating options, in my opinion.
I would “think” they could. It just some extra cushioning and speakers. We debated on getting it but glad we did as you can sit any which way we want now. Two people can sit on them facing each other with legs to each side. Makes it so much more user friendly. Hopefully you get a “yes”.

I hope they can accommodate you and do it at a price that won't kill you. It's made the rear lounges much more usable for me.
I got tired of waiting for my dealer to get back to me so I called Bennington directly for an answer. Conincidently, I spoke to the customer service rep who has been working with my dealer on this. He confirmed they can do it and they will have info to my dealer tomorrow. Now let’s see how much my dealer tries to mark this one up. Hopefully they are reasonable since I did purchase a (new) last year model boat out of their inventory.
Good for you, MJ. Hope you report back that you were taken care of by your dealer.
I heard back from them today. $5400 + tax + shipping. Not happening!

Lessons learned: Never buy a boat from inventory unless it’s exactly what you want. Any savings will be negated if you want any upgrades.

Holy crap ..... I'll do it for $4900 .... :eek:
Seriously, check out Taco and see what a local body shop can do.
I know. I’m crafting up plan B. If I can get matching Simtex fabric, my wife could easily make some something like a moveable pillow. I really just want something so folks can sit forward facing comfortably along the back wall and some of the side. I don’t really need the extra speakers.

Also on the rub rail, they refuse to touch it. Even aftermarket rail. Whatever. I’m over it now.
What does the stern lounge upgrade consist of?
Gotcha. Thanks. Yeah, that should be an easy retrofit.
It fills in the back and side of the stern lounges, plus adds speakers. See example photo below. This is something that should be included with the boat in my opinion. I really finishes it off and add functionality.

Bear in mind, if they added every item that every person thought the boat “should have” ... there’d be no S, G or maybe R. The whole idea is to start simple and economical and let people’s budgets dictate their needs. We started out on a 6x15 Gillgetter. We built or last boat third .... because our budget finally exceeded our needs. 10 years ago we never dreamed we’d own the boat we have now (still don’t). Also, with the rear lounger, some people have absolutely no intention of doing anything but laying to the rear. I on the other hand, thought about maximum use and potential resale. Same reason I had table installed and changing room. Some would never use them but it’s sooooo much cheaper to do it during the build than after the fact. At the end of the day it’s all about “smiles per miles” or “smiles per gallon”.