Suzuki 350 Outboard


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Farmington, MO
Does anyone out there have the new Suzuki 350 Outboard or know anyone that does? I have one on order and hoping it performs as well as all the reviews claim. It would be great get some feedback on performance and how they like it.
Call Dewitt Maine 231-377-6611 tomorrow and ask for Curtis. A Benny dealer that has been installing them routinely. He can put you in touch with some customers that run them.
Call Dewitt Maine 231-377-6611 tomorrow and ask for Curtis. A Benny dealer that has been installing them routinely. He can put you in touch with some customers that run them.
Thanks Busstuf!
I have it and love it. Chose to go with it rather than wait for the Yamaha 300 to come in on backorder. Had it now for almost 7 months. Runs quiet and awesome power! had the same question the other day, and got a bunch of negative remarks. That's the website that specializes in salt water fishermen and mid size boats. You might want to join and filter a search to see what was said.
My problem with Suzuki is that much of the U.S. don't have dealer representation and Suzuki's parts availability is not always the best. They're also different animals to setup with their large diameter high pitch propellers. Most of their motors get good customer comments usually.
I would just prefer the Yamaha or the new generation V-8 Mercury outboards on a big tritoon.
I see them a lot down here (Suzuki's). Probably second in numbers behind Yamaha.
A friend has a Suzuki 250 on a 25 ft Aquapatio tritoon and it flys. 50+
Just started seeing a few high HP Suzuki’s around but I will say that there are several toon dealers in my area that sell primarily Suzuki.
Down here in FL there are more Suzukis than Mercs. I'd say yamaha has the most market share though.
On this forum many are wedded to a particular brand of outboard. My dealer told me the three dominate brands, Mercury, Yamaha, and Suzuki are all good motors. On my previous boat I had a Yamaha 150 and I never had any issues. With my new boat, a Q25, my dealer convinced to go with the Suzuki. But before doing so, I talked with three different dealerships' service departments and each of them gave the Suzuki high marks. I also noticed that at two boat shows I went to in Tennessee, the majority of dealers were showing boats with Suzuki engines and as I spoke with the sales reps at the show they all spoke highly of the Suzuki. So I went with a Suzuki 250. I have been very pleased with it this first season.
Have a zuke 115 on my boat. Preforms very well. I have low hours on mine (40+) so it's too early to tell on much else.
My dealer just starting selling Suzuki this year. It we be interesting to see what they think about the motors after this year.
I have it and love it. Chose to go with it rather than wait for the Yamaha 300 to come in on backorder. Had it now for almost 7 months. Runs quiet and awesome power!
Hello VortexRotor, just curious what boat you have the Zuke 350 on? I would be curious to hear some specs and performance numbers you are getting from your set up. Thanks
Very nice! Just curious on some of your specs and how your dealer set your boat up. Where is your motor mounted and what props did they put on your boat? Mine came mounted in hole 2 (from the top) and with a 15 1/2 x 21. It was only turning about 5600 rpm at 45 mph at WOT. I had it moved to hole 3 and it now runs 46.4 mph at only 5800 rpm with the Bimini folded back and in the cover. It will run 47.4 at 5850 with the Bimini in the trailer position, still well short of the 6300 top of the range. The Suzuki service center said I probably need to go down to a 19p prop to maximize that range. Not sure I want to mess with all of that unless I knew that someone had a prop combo on their boat that had proven numbers. Sounds like your boat is very similar to mine so any info you can pass would be appreciated.
Very nice! Just curious on some of your specs and how your dealer set your boat up. Where is your motor mounted and what props did they put on your boat? Mine came mounted in hole 2 (from the top) and with a 15 1/2 x 21. It was only turning about 5600 rpm at 45 mph at WOT. I had it moved to hole 3 and it now runs 46.4 mph at only 5800 rpm with the Bimini folded back and in the cover. It will run 47.4 at 5850 with the Bimini in the trailer position, still well short of the 6300 top of the range. The Suzuki service center said I probably need to go down to a 19p prop to maximize that range. Not sure I want to mess with all of that unless I knew that someone had a prop combo on their boat that had proven numbers. Sounds like your boat is very similar to mine so any info you can pass would be appreciated.