Technical info


Just some guy
Reaction score
Dauphin, Manitoba
TECHNICALLY SPEAKING, I was the first one to post in here. I will probably also be the first post DELETED in here, but let me have my fun for a bit!! hahaha, Just breaking it in is all.

You guys are too funny.
Do we have some Moderators with time on their hands? How about moving TB's recent post with the Electrical Schematics and older post with the pdf Owners Manual over here? :)
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Do we have some Moderators with time on their hands? How about moving TB's recent post with the Electrical Schematics and older post with the pdf Owners Manual over here? :)
+1 on moving that stuff.
This great. This shows Bennington is listening!
Unless it's about the FOR SALE/TRADE Forum ...... JUST KIDDING TB, JUST KIDDING !!!! :lol:

You guys do a great job !!!
If I were not technologically handicapped, I would do it. However, if I start trying to move things, this forum would never be the same.

I have no doubt one of the other moderators will come along and do this soon.


I am almost new, boat is at dealer but not delivered to me yet. wmy question is this. when I go to a forum there may be multiple pages  how do I get to page 10 without clicking all the previous pages?
Click on the view new content , the top right of the page  or click the next button top left .If you want the last page click the arrow .
Jack, I think Giuseppe is actually asking a little different question, one where he is already on the title page. On a thread that has say 10 pages; look at the top on the right you will see a line that reads "Go to first unread post". Clicking that will bring you to the first post that YOU haven't read.
What I posted is how I get to certain pages ,but I am sure I am on more than most .Especially this time of year  :lol: