Well-Known Member
Temp here today is 82*, but it's supposed to be pretty cool this weekend. I believe the high for Saturday is supposed to be 58 - 60*... Brrrrrrr!!! 
If The Rez hadn't been 2 feet low, I'd have the boat launched. Lots of the boat ramps are closed. I took the boat out a couple of weeks ago, and dropped the trailer off of the end of the ramp. Had to get my big ole F-250 pulled since the back tires were in the slim just in the water. Just a little scary. I guess I need to start using my Jeep to launch when the water is somewhat low.
If The Rez hadn't been 2 feet low, I'd have the boat launched. Lots of the boat ramps are closed. I took the boat out a couple of weeks ago, and dropped the trailer off of the end of the ramp. Had to get my big ole F-250 pulled since the back tires were in the slim just in the water. Just a little scary. I guess I need to start using my Jeep to launch when the water is somewhat low.