Upgrades - time to get started

Did you run the cable the route as the factory installed ?

Dealer is installing mine 

I used the factory tabs that were in place. Under the console there is a power plug and the transducer plug that connect to the main unit. As I was binding the transducer cable, I noticed that it was falling out of its port with little force. I tried the same with the power cord and noticed that it also was easy to disconnect. Had me slightly concerned that when my wife stuffs her lake bag in the helm she could easily "bump" the plugs and disconnect. It's a super easy fix but annoying.
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I am installing it tonight. Winter came back last week... I will let you know. It is going to be 70+ this weekend so I plan on taking it out and testing the upgrades. Should have some good pictures of the lights. 

It was a nice fit. The cable had a piece that went over the connection to make sure it could not come apart. 
Where did every one get the extension cable ?

Online or locally ?

Thanks ,what was the shipping  time frame?
I ordered mine from Walmart.com. $31.30, no tax and free shipping. It mails from a Maryland distributor.
Just ordered mine off Amazon ....$29.93 shipped. Figured I'd rather get one and not need it, then get almost done installing and need it. I can always sell it if I don't end up needing it.
Did anyone else get the map chip and file for the rebate ?

Last day by the way to purchase and be rebate eligible .
Dub9, some have had brackets welded on and many have added underwater lights.  Caution you to use quality lights so no problems.  Try using the search engine as I remember someone documenting the project
I searched, and this was the best thread I identified. I did read that many had the bracket welded, but I am not sure I wanted to go that far. 

That is why I was considering just the transom pan (or whatever it is called). The spacing wouldn't be as far, but maybe the effect would be similar. 

Maybe even one on the back and one on each side perhaps. But then the side ones would be in the "flow" of the water underway, and maybe that isn't ideal. 