Want to buy new Bennington 22sff


Well-Known Member
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Pittsburgh, Pa.
Don't know if all dealers are rich or what but I have contacted 3 dealers in Pa. and Md. with no replies. I want to replace my 2003 2275FSI with a new 22 sff. I like to fish. Anyone know of a dealer that would actually want to take my order? Thanks
Send Semperfi8387 a PM. He's located in southern PA somewhere (Can't remember where) and he's affiliated with a Benny dealer...............
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Try F&S Yamaha & Marine in Spring Grove Pa just outside of York, Pa. Tell them Smitty sent you .... Hopefully they don't hang up on ya .... :lol:

They are a great dealer !! Here's their site.

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Just bought mine from Jason Clemons at Clemons Boats in Sandusky, OH. Couldn't be more happy with the personal service I received with him and the dealership as a whole!
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Hop on a plane, head to Omaha Sealand Marine 402-334-8232 ask for Paul Weber awesome guy will help you with anything!
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How'd you make out? We're you able to track a Benni down? Did you call the dealer I posted?
Looks like you are good to go on a PA dealer. But here is my inf. anyway.

Sportsman Center

Bob Cook owner

Livingston TN.

toll free 877-400-0442