water in the seat box


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I recently purchased a new 2017 Bennigton pontoon boat, model G-22 GL3.   I have two issues with the front seats.  .

Problem #1. The seat boxes that are in the front of the boat constantly collect water.  This occurs during a normal day on the water or after a rain.  I just spent 30 minutes draining 2 or more inches of water from these two seat boxes after a sudden storm.  After looking at the seats,  a boat mechanic who was performing services on the motor demonstrated to me that the water was being channeled directly into the seat box, instead of the drain channel under the seats, because the bottom edge of the slanted seat back extends beyond drain channel.

Problem #2 – The two front seats do not slide into place easily.  The mechanic demonstrated that the reason for this was also related to the way the extension of the slanted seat beyond the upper drain channels. 

The mechanic concluded that both problems were “design flaws” and there was nothing he could do.

Any assistance is appreciated
Have you asked you dealer about it

You stated "  a boat mechanic who was performing services on the motor " is the person that gave you that information .

The dealer is the best place to start 

Do you use your cover ?
Dealer is your first go to for problems.
Is your "mechanic" at a Bennington dealer? I'm guessing not, as a dealer would typically follow through with a solution other than "nothing they can do". 
There have been several posts regarding water under the seats so your issue is not unheard of. While I've had some myself, it has been nothing like what you describe. As others have instructed, get with your dealer. Good luck and welcome. Post some pictures!
There is a channel under the "seat" portion, which in turn drains into the seat "base" which typically has drain holes drilled in the "lowest" channel around the perimeter of the interior of the base. Sometimes these drain holes are not drilled or not drilled completely through. This is can be easily fixed by your dealer. It's not a design flaw. There are 10's of thousands of Benningtons with this design and a very select few with the water draining issue. Remember, after a rain, there is an inherent nature for water to end up in the seats. They are not designed to be water proof.

Second, as for the seat closing, it will take a little getting used to how the Bennington seats close. They don't just flop shut like other brands. The seats have an overhang so if that bracket wasn't there, the seat would flop open if you sat on the edge of the seat. I use my left hand to guide the rear of the cushion with bracket under the rear lip, and lift front slightly, and push ack and down to close with my right hand. 