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I think it's a real personal question. In that having a gun on board might be total over kill for some but not a bad Idea for others. 

I can think of places that it might be a liability and other places where it's a asset. Only you can make that call. 

I have had my share of creepy encounters that make you say hummmmm What would I  do if this person decided to do "this or that " way the heck back here where you have zero cell reception and no one even knows your back here. If you have somthing up your sleeve it's always better then being caught out. 

The quote or saying that I think is always accurate is. Having a gun when you go out is like having a insurance policy on your car or boat. You hope you never have to make a insurance claim you don't go out thinking your gonna get in a accident but it would be foolish to drive or boat without insurance. You don't plan on your house catching on fire but you still have fire insurance. Sometime the same is true with a weapon.  

I do respect people's opinion either way you can argue either side very effectively. I think bottom line 99.9% of all people wanna live and let live and have a great day on the water drama free. What ever puts you in that state of mind I'm all for it. Respect your fellow boater and enjoy your time out and you will live a longer and happier life then most
Mr G in the situations which you describe I would definitely carry.
Here in the police State of NJ carrying on your boat translates to about 10 years in jail.  I would guess that other than a LEO no one is packing a handgun when on the water.
Here in the police State of NJ carrying on your boat translates to about 10 years in jail.  I would guess that other than a LEO no one is packing a handgun when on the water.

Not legally.  :angry:
Here in the police State of NJ carrying on your boat translates to about 10 years in jail.  I would guess that other than a LEO no one is packing a handgun when on the water.

Or other than criminals :(
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I'm retired LEO as well, CHP.  Nope, never carry on the boat.
Have been very fortunate and hope it continues the rest of my days.

Above has been edited of course.  Amen to that for all of us brother.
Long time CC permit holder, but have never carried on my boat.  As someone said above,  firearms + alcohol = huge problem.

Always carry, and don't like anyone trying to make people feel that they are doing anything wrong by exercising their right to do so. As far as drinking goes, drinking causes more problems on the water than firearms ever have. 

Yeah, but if you are a responsible gun owner no one ever knows you are carrying anyway, until you need them to know :)   Most concealed carry owners don't get all in a panic either if an establishment says no carrying allowed, because they will never know you are carrying.  If something went down, I would rather be alive and just pay the damn fine :)
Here in the police State of NJ carrying on your boat translates to about 10 years in jail.  I would guess that other than a LEO no one is packing a handgun when on the water.

The problem with that statement is that it only pertains to law abiding citizens. Criminals don't adhere to laws, thus backing up their title as criminal. Your guess is the same type of guess that owners of businesses want to believe; that if they put a sign in their front window that states that guns aren't allowed in their store, restaurant, etc., then that means they will be immune to crime. Those signs simply advertise to the criminal that they can rob that place, with little or no interference from gun toting, law abiding citizens.  I still like the old saying, "Guns are like parachutes. If you need one and don't have it, chances are good that you'll never need one again".

Your situation is the reason I would never transplant to a gun grabbing state. I hope you and your family will always be safe. Take care. 
Michiman, this is not directed to you, but I tried to just post a comment at the bottom, and it seems to want to quote someone, so I figured I may as well quote you. :D

I totally respect anyone's choice to carry or not to carry wherever they are/go. If one doesn't feel comfortable carrying a weapon, then by all means, don't carry. I've read some of the responses about mixing guns and alcohol. If you can't control your drinking when carrying, then again, by all means, you don't need to be carrying. 

I have told my church security team that if you don't feel comfortable, or if you don't get to the range to practice enough to be efficient with your  firearm, leave it at home. If you aren't comfortable carrying or if you don't like carrying, then you will most likely be a liability rather than an asset to the team. 

Yes, this is a different day and time. People with mental problems have been turned out into the streets. Officials and law makers have looked the other way in the name of PC and giving everyone a blue ribbon for participation, so there are people that are walking the streets that, in earlier days, would have been committed to a mental institution. There are kids and adults that have killed a parent just because the parent told them "no" or grounded them for something. It's very sad, so yes, I'm going to protect myself, my family, and my friends to the best of my ability. "Greater love has no man, they he who would lay down his life for a friend." John 15:13. "But not," he said, "take your money and a traveler's bag. And if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one!" Luke 22:36.
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I see nothing wrong with someone legally carrying on a boat. But for times where the wearer might want to jump in the water, a small combo safe like this one might be a good idea:


I made a video review of that safe a while back, and bought a bunch (when a clone of them showed up at Costco) for my gun-toting family members (Dad, Dad-in-Law, wife).

Please be watchful where we are heading with this thread. We need to be cognizant of the line not to cross. That means please keep the political views/comments checked at the door. We don't want the thread spiraling out of control!! 
I do carry daily, but never bring it on to the boat. I am confident that our little lake in N.W. Wisconsin is 100% safe. If we do start to go out on the St. Croix river I would re think that. I stopped feeling like I had to justify me carrying a sidearm to people a long time ago. 

As for the thugs out there..........make your life a little easier.......comply with authority.

Please be watchful where we are heading with this thread. We need to be cognizant of the line not to cross. That means please keep the political views/comments checked at the door. We don't want the thread spiraling out of control!! 

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