What are these?


Well-Known Member
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Jordan Lake, NC
I got these in a package with the boat. funnel and ??? The one has a push pin in it? 

I didn't get a chance to ask the dealer what they are...  Do you know what they are for?



No idea, I din't get anything like that with mine
I got the funnel and figured it was for adding additives to the fuel.  
It is for the steering fluid.

I think :unsure:
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It is for the teleflex steering when connecting the bottle to the helm, but Bennington uses a remote fill on the right side of the helm, and bottle won' fit.
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I have the power assist steering... maybe something with that? 
The funnel is for the fuel fill - for additives and if you're having trouble with a gas pump shutting off (amazingly, it actually did help at one pump we had trouble at).

The tube with bottle top and pin is for topping off the Sea Star power steering fluid. Not sure if applicable to all boats but the small end did screw into the filler port on the helm of our R-series with electric power assist.
The funnel is for adding motor oil to the engine.  The hose with the head that goes on a hose pipe is to flush the engine when it's used in salt water.  I forget what the third tubing is for.  I don't use'em.
Are you sure about the motor oil to the engine? that does not sound right.
I thought the funnel was to correct a fueling problem that caused pumps to cut off before the tank was full.
Still lost Royal4???? :D
Nope -- I pulled out the ole manuals --- it's for the power steering unit -- the push-pin is actually to put a hole in the bottle so it flows freely from what I've read so far.  Hopefully I'll never have to use it.