What boat did you order?

Anybody remember to "good old days" when a pontoon with a 50hp was deemed "adequate"? LOL

Totally depends on how you want to use a boat. We cruise the shoreline most of the time, but occasionally open it up, and pull tubes. I'm comfortable with a 150 on a GCWB 2574 with the express tube package, That said, if we were going to do a lot of skiing etc. then we would have gone bigger. If a person has any fear of being under-powered, I guess I'd say go bigger and you wont have any regrets other than a little more fuel use.. and a little lighter wallet.

I'd venture to guess if you have a full loaded boat and expect it to perform like a indy car, you'd be disappointed. A 300 probably gets you as close to as small a loss of performance when loaded as you can get, but who's to say?

Good luck to anyone making these decisions. Getting it right the first time buying a boat is important!

I'm surprised at how little load-related performance loss I've experienced with my F200XA and ESP hull. At most I lose a few miles per hour going from a boat totally packed with people and camping gear to a light load with the weight equivalent of just a few people. And it still drives and handles like a champ. It's really impressive. With my twin 25" tube and a 90, I'd lose 7-8 mph easy, not to mention having to worry about weight distribution in order to keep the pee stream on the motor out of the water.  :blink:
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I guess what I hearing is the 150 would be good with the tri pontoon setup. The one I ordered has two only 25 inches. I guess like someone else said if you expect to go fast upgrade the motor. this boat is maxed out at 150 so it would mean a total change of direction. I think I have to just get away from the speed number and enjoy cruising on the pontoon where 18-20 is the norm. I best restrain myself, I have to buy a lift plus pay for the new beach house. Plus keep the wife happy. If she leaves me I can upgrade the boat
How may people do you expect to entertain consistently? 25ft is a big boat, but with two logs it might not hold as many? Perhaps going down in size would get you more $ to throw into the motor and toons. Remember, we're all here to help you spend your money wisely. ;) I have a 23ft with esp and a 250 SHO. At times I have 8 - 10 on board while tubing. Most of the time it more like 5 - 8. Max cap on my boat is 14 per the sticker.
Ordered 2015 2375 RCW

Smokey Granite w/Black accent


Full Seagrass w/Woven Teak Aft

Sandstone pillow top w/pressed diamond accent

Elevated helm

Bow seat

Dual battery switch

Lighted Bimini top

Power Assist

Ottoman w/cooler

SPS Package

In-Floor Storage

Expecting an early May delivery. Hoping for an early Minnesota ice-out!

Not too concerned just yet however as I type this sitting on my balcony from Scrub Island, bvi.
Remember if you get a boat with a hull that planes up nicely, you will likely save fuel.  Once the boat planes up you get a pretty large jump in efficiency (miles per gallon).

Something to consider.

I forgot the twin elliptical hull in my earlier post.  I guess I'd put that in the same motor class as SPS.  150-200 HP.  Again, I've only owned one Benny (two motors), and this rule of thumb is just my gut feel from reading the forum the last few years.  If you are interested in more on this topic, you need to visit the props and power thread.
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Is it possible to have the existing tubes replaced with the elliptical? From what I read even swapping to two ellipticals will work well with the 150. Do you think the dealer would do that? Then at least I also have the option to go to a 200 or 250 engine. I'll call the dealer tomorrow but is it normal for them to swap out tubes? I think if this can be done it sounds like a solution
Pretty easy to add the express tube after the fact, but swapping for ellipticals could be a tall order. I can't imagine they'd have much use for a pair of 25" tubes kicking around after that transaction.
It will give you more flotation and get you up on plane easier and faster, so yeah, kinda. That 150 would work nicely with an express package. The twin ellipticals will go faster and plane better, but the handling is flat. With a third tube, it will bank in turns. I'm not sure how much the express does, but the difference in turning from my original twin tube to my ESP is unbelievable. 
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Anybody remember to "good old days" when a pontoon with a 50hp was deemed "adequate"? LOL

Totally depends on how you want to use a boat. We cruise the shoreline most of the time, but occasionally open it up, and pull tubes. I'm comfortable with a 150 on a GCWB 2574 with the express tube package, That said, if we were going to do a lot of skiing etc. then we would have gone bigger. If a person has any fear of being under-powered, I guess I'd say go bigger and you wont have any regrets other than a little more fuel use.. and a little lighter wallet.

I'd venture to guess if you have a full loaded boat and expect it to perform like a indy car, you'd be disappointed. A 300 probably gets you as close to as small a loss of performance when loaded as you can get, but who's to say?

Good luck to anyone making these decisions. Getting it right the first time buying a boat is important!

My 22SLX with a 50 is more than adequate for our use. We had an I/O bowrider previously, but the kids never wanted to ski and RARELY tubed. So we used it mostly just for cruising. The family loved the pontoon idea and we just slowly shore cruise, enjoying our time out. Buy for your lake and what you are planning to use it for. We have no regrets about our purchase or an onset of PADs.
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I called the dealer, they don't do a swap out of toons, however they will keep the same boat show price and re-order with tri-toons. I'm doing that and also checking into the higher engine, a 250 but that might be a tad over budget. Glad I asked the questions here though, I think this is the right combo.  
I called the dealer, they don't do a swap out of toons, however they will keep the same boat show price and re-order with tri-toons. I'm doing that and also checking into the higher engine, a 250 but that might be a tad over budget. Glad I asked the questions here though, I think this is the right combo.  
We really helped him spend more money, but he is now buying his second boat first which will save him in the long run.

What's a BUDGET in the boating world?

We did go with the twin elliptical tubes because of the straight line speed and extra flotation for the times we go out fishing with 8 people, ok it not really like fishing its more family time and herding cats with 8 lines in the water, but now we can get back to the docks in minutes instead of parts of hours.  Also the driver, selflessly thinks he might be dry because the boat is going faster than the spray.  
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That's funny. Spoken from experience, no doubt! I've been drenched by side spray in a 30 mph cross wind. It sure is nice to have the extra HP to throttle up into!
The ride in could get very wet.  Your boat is going 14 mph downwind.  Wind speed is 10 mph.  Temp is low 60.  Everybody was rain gear on.  I am driving hunkered behind the helm looking around the side because the spray is being blow into the boat.  I had forgotten that fun while at the boat show.  Just another great reason to justify the purchase.  I plan on doing 30 mph with the toons above the water planing and the spray behind the boat and since the po po in Canada have decided that any beer on a boat is a great reason to fine the driver the trips back to the dock for lunch and vacation pops won't take so long.  

What a great thought in 10 - 20 below wind chill through Friday and 6" of new snow.  Just looked out the office window and it started snowing again.  
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Just ordered first Pontoon:

2375GCW 115hp Yamaha

w/ wrap around bow gate seat and sun lounge