What's the water temperature?


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My home lake is Foss Reservoir about 1 1/2 hours west of Oklahoma City, Ok. At the present time, the water temperature is running in the 80's and the water is quite clear considering the lake is about 4 foot low.

I was out this last weekend and saw several points in the lake that have turned into small islands. It really pays to boat the lake right now so as to see hidden dangers lurking just below the normal surface.

Overheard a couple of stories about boaters running up on these hazards. Guess they don't realize the lake is way down.

Anyway, how is the temperature and present state of your home lake?
My home lake is Foss Reservoir about 1 1/2 hours west of Oklahoma City, Ok. At the present time, the water temperature is running in the 80's and the water is quite clear considering the lake is about 4 foot low.

I was out this last weekend and saw several points in the lake that have turned into small islands. It really pays to boat the lake right now so as to see hidden dangers lurking just below the normal surface.

Overheard a couple of stories about boaters running up on these hazards. Guess they don't realize the lake is way down.

Anyway, how is the temperature and present state of your home lake?
Salt Fork Lake in Ohio is in the low to mid 80's. Water level is consistent with what it has been all summer.

Home lake is Norris Lake TN. About 25 mi North of Knoxville. Water temp is in the low 80's. Level is down about 4' from summer pool. Being a power generating lake, they will continue to drop for the rest of the year. Winter pool is about 16' to 20' lower than current levels. We also have the 'hidden' islands and rock outcroppings. Having boated here since the early 70's, I think I know where most are located.
We boat at Lake Cumberland, Ky. Surface water temp is 88 degrees, The lake level is actually a few feet higher than it has been for the last few years. Our lake has been lowered about 40 feet for about 5-6 years while dam repairs are done.
Lake sakakawea in ND has a surface temp of 70*F but quickly cools a few feet down as the lake is fairly large at 5-10 miles wide in areas and about 200 miles long and depths up to 160 feet. The water coming out of sakakawea through Garrrison dam into the Missouri river is around 40 * F and about 70 miles south in the Bismarck Mandan ND area during a normal year in july/august the river temps will get to the low to mid 60's.

Man 80+ degree water is like bath tub water, how do you guys handle that on hot days? There would be no relief for a fat man like me if I had to jump into water that warm. :(
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"like bath tub water" - pretty funny Wild and Free! Wife and I went to our regular lake (Grapevine Lake - near DFW airport) this morning from 0930 to 1230 to avoid the crowd and the hot afternoons. Even then it was between 100 to 102 and water temp in the middle of the lake was 88-89. There is a sand beach at the western end of the lake we go to and beach the boat. The water there was 91-92.

When leaving, I push the boat back until its about 3 feet deep, then jump back on at the bow door. By the time I walk to the helm I am dried off :)
We have a small local lake "Nelson Lake" which is heated by a power plant and the water gets to the 90 degree range in summer and In the past I find that engine performance is affected in a huge way, they get hot and have no power driving in hot water like that. I will not put my boat in there but have friends who do and they all agree its not good for engine life and performance. Its an easy comparison when you can drive 25 miles away and put in a 55-60 degree river and feel like you gained 75 hp. :p
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We have a small local lake "Nelson Lake" which is heated by a power plant and the water gets to the 90 degree range in summer and In the past I find that engine performance is affected in a huge way, they get hot and have no power driving in hot water like that. I will not put my boat in there but have friends who do and they all agree its not good for engine life and performance. Its an easy comparison when you can drive 25 miles away and put in a 55-60 degree river and feel like you gained 75 hp. :p
Hmmm, never thought about that. Might partially explain why I was getting 2 to 3 mph less speed yesterday than I was getting about two months ago (with all other things being equal) :huh: I do know that so far, 37 straight days of 102 - 108 degree temps with zero rain is not doing my personal "life and performance" any good :eek:
My home lake is Truman Lake in Mo. Surface temps have been 86 to 88. Just returned from Table Rock lake 88 to 90 there. Don't know how you guys up north handle that cold water. Heck, my wife will not get in the water until it hits 80 and she stll gets goose bumps :lol:
Lake Koshkonog, WI, was 84 degree last weekend. The air temperature have finally cooled down this week. It felt like getting into a bath.
Lake Koshkonog, WI, was 84 degree last weekend. The air temperature have finally cooled down this week.

It felt like getting into a bath.
Heh Heh Heh, Guess I'm not the only one. :p
On Lake Texhoma this weekend. The water temp betwee Soldier Creek and Catfish Bay read 86 yesterday. We were close to the railroad

Made it to the islands and the water was very nice. Didn't check temp though

If you are in the neighborhood today, find us at the islands and say hello

Went to Texoma a couple of years ago and loved it. Thinking about going down there next year. My son lives in Dallas so it gives me an excuse to go to Texas and check out the lakes

And I love the islands!

Water temp this past weekend down to 82 my wife said it felt a little nippy ;)
Went to Texoma a couple of years ago and loved it. Thinking about going down there next year. My son lives in Dallas so it gives me an excuse to go to Texas and check out the lakes

And I love the islands!

Water temp this past weekend down to 82 my wife said it felt a little nippy ;)

You post over on Pontoon and deckboat forum as kcsteve(i think)? Saw the pics of your boat there and thought to self, "something familiar there".

Texhoma was really nice. We had six couples and four boats in our small group. An offshoot of our group had close to the same. Not for sure as I don't know all of those in that group as well.

Texhoma is getting pretty low. Decided before I go back, I am going to purchase and install a better GPS depthfinder. Have been studying, but would take recommendations.
Yeah thats me.

Too bad about Texoma. Hope you guys get some rain soon